



As the largest volunteer organization in the state, WSPTA has many opportunities for members to engage and contribute. Members will find opportunities that fit their particular strengths and passions, while other members may use the variety of opportunities as a way to learn new skills. Volunteering to chair or serve on a committee is a great way to participate in your own professional development while you give back to the children of Washington state. From time to time, additional special committees or task forces may be created and the opportunity for volunteers to help will be advertised through multiple communication tools. Details about committees are listed below. Learn more about volunteering.

Advocacy Committee

Region teams may provide an advocacy representative to serve on this committee. Others with the desire and passion may also be approved to serve.  The committee, guided by the WSPTA Advocacy Director, reviews the grassroots submissions provided by members to create the WSPTA legislative platform. Committee members assist with the WSPTA Legislative Assembly, help members in meeting with their legislators, and organize members to testify on our short- and long-term priorities. The committee works year-round.

Committee members will spend ten hours monthly, increasing to 20+ hours in October and during legislative session. This committee meets remotely every other week starting in June and weekly during legislative session for 90+ minutes. Committee members are encouraged to volunteer in person for the two days of Legislative Assembly.

Communications Committee

This committee is responsible for evaluating communication needs and making changes as needed, working with other committees to develop marketing strategies and materials, and updating and maintaining a document review schedule.

Committee members may spend two to three hours per month on committee work, including a monthly, 60-minute remote meeting. There is no expectation of in-person work.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee

Under the leadership of the WSPTA FACE  Director, this statewide committee’s purpose is to implement the action items in the DEI Task Force recommendation from 2021 and to chart a path forward in the work of diversifying our organization and removing barriers to participation in PTA activities, initiatives, and events.

Committee members are expected to spend two to three hours per month on committee work including a 90-minute remote meeting; three to four hours per month if helping with presentations. In-person workshops may be added to develop resources and classes.

Elections Oversight Committee

This committee oversees the statewide election process to ensure fairness for all candidates. Unlike other committees, there is a separate process for selecting volunteers.

WSPTA Essay Contest

This committee updates the essay contest materials and resources, implements the contest, and determines the awards and award process. The committee works January through May.

Committee members may spend up to 20 hours in March and April judging and ranking submissions. Members may need to assist with the Student Celebration or during convention.

Family & Community Engagement (FACE) Committee

Under the leadership of the WSPTA FACE Director, this statewide committee promotes programs and resources to attract inclusiveness in our diverse communities. The committee reviews and updates family and community engagement resources and communications to members. The committee works year-round.

Committee members are expected to spend two to three hours per month on committee work including a 90-minute remote meeting; three to four hours per month if helping with presentations. In-person workshops may be added to develop resources and classes.

Federal Legislative Committee

This committee, chaired by the WSPTA Federal Legislative Chair, trains attendees and prepares messaging for National PTA’s Legislative Conference and Hill Day, held annually in March, either in Washington, DC or virtually. Committee members assist with writing communications to members of Congress (MOC) about National PTA and WSPTA public policies and educating WSPTA members about federal legislation, National PTA public policies and MOC public positions regarding children and youth. The committee works year-round.

Committee members will spend ten hours monthly, with July and August being light months. This committee meets remotely once a month starting in September. Committee members are required to attend the virtual National PTA LegCon Hill Day. They are encouraged to register for newsletters with their MOCs and arrange and lead meetings with MOCs outside National PTA LegCon Hill Day. Attendance at the in-person National PTA LegCon Hill Day is encouraged but optional.

Governance Committee

This committee reviews the WSPTA Uniform Bylaws each year and submits recommendations to the WSPTA board of directors as necessary. In addition, the committee reviews any amendment recommendations submitted by members. Amendments are voted on by the members at the annual business meeting.  

The committee reviews and submits recommendations to the board of directors for updates to the WSPTA Policy Manual. 

This committee will review leadership resources and handbooks for alignment to policy and bylaws. They will provide guidance to all levels of PTA leadership regarding matters related to bylaws, policies, procedures, and best practices in governance matters. The committee works year-round. 

Growth & Development Committee

This committee assists WSPTA leadership in supporting new PTAs and councils. In addition, they provide support in nurturing struggling local PTAs and councils. The committee maintains growth and development resources and presentations in conjunction with the WSPTA staff and leadership committee. Committee members may assist with region director training on growth and development. Committee works year-round.

Committee members spend about five hours per month on committee work and up to ten hours per month if they are actively helping to charter a new local PTA. This committee usually meets remotely every month or two for 90 minutes. There is minimal in-person work required.

Leadership Committee

The leadership committee assists the WSPTA Leadership Director in developing WSPTA leadership materials and programs. The committee also helps plan leadership conferences including the WSPTA leadership conference and annual WSPTA convention classes. Some committee members may be asked to present WSPTA trainings. Committee works year-round.

Members spend two to four hours per month doing committee work in a normal month including a 60-minute remote meeting; five to ten hours per month if they are teaching classes. Members are expected to participate in Autumn Leadership Launch and WSPTA Convention.

Membership Committee

Under the leadership of the WSPTA Membership Director, this committee develops a statewide membership campaign. Committee members also review membership resources and awards. The committee works year-round.

Team members volunteer two hours per month for most of the year, up to ten hours per month helping with Fall trainings and convention. This includes a monthly, 60-minute remote meeting.

Nominating Committee

The committee provides a slate of officers for delegates to consider at the annual convention during odd years. Unlike other committees, three members of the nominating committee are elected by the membership, and two members are elected from the Board of Directors. The election from the general membership takes place at the annual convention in even years and nominees must self-declare their intent to run by February 15. This committee serves a two-year term.

The team meets remotely from September thru January. The busiest time is from mid-November thru January when there are weekly meetings. One member of the committee will introduce the slate at the WSPTA Convention.

Programs Committee

Under the guidance of the WSPTA Program Director, this committee oversees the awards and recognition program for WSPTA as well as other programs for local PTAs and students. The committee reviews and updates all program and award resources as well as develop new awards and programs as needed. The committee works year-round.

This committee includes the chairs of the following subcommittees: student programs (including chairs for Reflections, scholarship program, scholarship baskets); Awards of Excellence (including chairs for Standards of Excellence, Communications, Newsletter, Website, Advocacy, FACE, and Taking Significant Action); and Leadership Service Award. The committee meets remotely every month. Additional commitments revolve around the subcommittee work.

Reflections Committee

The Reflections Program provides students an opportunity to use their creative talents by expressing themselves through their own original works as it relates to a theme. The committee assists in implementing this program for all local PTAs. The committee works year-round.

Committee members may be needed to help with Reflections training events in September and October, otherwise they may spend 20+ hours per month in January through April in judging entries, sending winning entries to National PTA, and preparing for the Student Celebration and convention.

Region Teams

WSPTA is comprised of 12 regions. Each region is serviced by a team of volunteers who help the local PTAs and councils in their respective region. Regions need people with skills in social media, event planning, finance, advocacy, membership, programs, family and community engagement, communications, and more. Volunteers must live in the region for the team they support. Committee works year-round.

To volunteer to serve as region director please reach out to the Area Vice President representing your region.

Time commitments for Service Delivery Teams (SDTs) vary by region as the number of volunteers and the services offered changes. Volunteers spend up to 12 hours per month supporting local PTAs and councils and participating in training events and convention. Most regions have regular remote meetings.

Resolutions Committee

This committee oversees the association’s resolutions. A resolution is a permanent statement of policy adopted by the membership at either the annual convention or Legislative Assembly. Committee members review current WSPTA resolutions and National PTA resolutions, consider emerging “hot issues” for new resolutions, and provide information about resolutions to the membership. The committee works year-round.

The committee meets remotely, weekly June through March. Committee members are expected to help with the in-person education during Legislative Assembly and convention. Committee members may spend five to ten hours per month in active months.

Resource Development Committee

The resource development committee evaluates current WSPTA funding sources, and researches and pursues new funding sources. It also works on marketing to donors. The committee works year-round and meets once a month for an hour, with much of the work happening through collaboration through Teams throughout the month. If you are interested in marketing, researching funding sources, or have experience in writing grants, the resource development committee might be the perfect place for you.

Scholarship Committee

WSPTA awards scholarships to students for higher education. The scholarship committee reviews the application process, students’ submissions, and selects scholarship recipients. The committee works January through May.

Committee members are only active in March and April. Members are expected to spend 15-20 hours reviewing applications. The committee has a final remote meeting to determine the scholarship winners from the top ranked applications. There is no need for in-person meetings.

Special Education Committee

With oversight of the WSPTA FACE  Director, this statewide committee’s purpose is to work in collaboration with the advocacy committee in their efforts to advocate for families of students with disabilities at all levels of WSPTA. And, to work in collaboration with the FACE and DEI committees to ensure that efforts to engage families and increase diversity in PTA is inclusive of families of students with disabilities.