3 events found.
All Day
Reminder: Annual Corporation Renewal
If your PTA incorporated this month, the annual corporation renewal is due; regardless of the income your PTA earns. This is separate from the Charitable Organization registration/renewal. When you are about to […]
Region 2 PTA and the Law
Lake Washington Resource Center https://www.eventbrite.com/e/region-2-pta-and-the-law-tickets-38010492406 FREE training and leadership development for all PTA leaders! Come learn, network with your fellow PTA leaders, and meet part of your PTA support team.
Region 4 Fall Conference
Location to Be Determined https://www.eventbrite.com/e/region-4-fall-conference-tickets-37674482391 FREE training and leadership development for all PTA leaders! Come learn, network with your fellow PTA leaders, and meet part of your PTA support team.