2 events found.
Region 6 Fall Conference
Nathan Hale High School 10750 30th Ave NE, SeattleRegister here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/region-6-fall-conference-tickets-445588787057 Before we "Fall Back," Region 6 is offering an in-person training for local PTAs and Councils, featuring PTA and the Law and other valuable leadership classes. We […]
Standards of Affiliation (SOA) Questions/Roundtable – Presented by AVP Teri Davis and open to all
VirtualRegister: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/standards-of-affiliation-soa-questionsroundtable-tickets-432283560767 Presented by AVP Teri Davis and open to all. To provide support and guidance to our local PTAs and councils, WSPTA provides the Standards of Affiliation (SOA) Agreement […]