



Resolutions guide our advocacy work from the local to the state level. They are broader in scope than legislative issues and are permanent unless they are amended or retired.

Washington State PTA (WSPTA) considers resolutions submitted in May for adoption or amendment at our legislative assembly in the fall, and those submitted in November for adoption or amendment at our annual convention in the spring. Any PTA member is encouraged to submit a resolution that addresses concerns that affect children on a state-wide level. WSPTA resolutions may subblement but not conflict with National PTA resolutions.

The following is a list of WSPTA resolutions by topic. In addition, you can view the full list of  WSPTA Board Positions and Resolutions, as well as the list of retired resolutions.

WSPTA Resolutions List

Child Safety and Protection (Section 2)

2.1  Safe Travel Routes and Parking Lots
2.2  Child Identification Program
2.9 Emergency Preparedness
2.11 Promoting the Safety / Well-Being of Children through Decreased Exposure to Violence
2.13 Youth Suicide Prevention
2.14 Child Abuse Prevention Supports
2.15 E-911 Safety Training for Youth
2.16 Water Safety and Instruction
2.17 Child Sex Trafficking
2.18 Trauma Informed Care
2.19 LGBTQ+ Inclusion
2.21 Sexual Violence and Harassment Prevention and Survivor Supports
2.22 Digital and Internet Safety
2.23 Gun Violence Prevention and Safety – Students and School Staff 
2.24 Furniture Tip-Over Prevention
2.25 Restorative Justice and Improving Student Outcomes
2.26 Dismantling Institutional and Systemic Racism
2.26 Desmantelar el Racismo Institucional y Sistemico
2.27 Improving Outcomes for Children and Youth in Highly Mobile Populations
2.28 Traumatic Brain Injuries

Cooperative Role of Parents and Educators (Section 4)

Health and Nutrition (Section 11)

Support for Public Education (Section 18)

18.6 Uninterrupted Operation of Schools
18.11 Common School/Construction Funding
18.13 Student Assessment and Testing
18.20 School Construction Bond Reform
18.25 Rights And Services For Undocumented Children And Youth
18.31 Financial Literacy
18.32 Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, Dyspraxia
18.34 Universal Design for Learning
18.36 Equitable Access to Highly Capable Services 
18.37 Arts in Education
18.38 Equitable Education Opportunities to Close Gaps Across the Achievement Spectrum
18.39 Cultural Access Programs and Expanded Learning Opportunities
18.40 Equitable Access and Improved Outcomes for Students with Disabilities 
18.41 Supporting K-12 Career and Technical Education
18.42 Improving Literacy and Educational Outcomes
18.43 Increasing Access and Affordability of Post-Secondary Education
18.44 Supporting a Diverse and Effective Education Workforce
18.45 High-Quality Preschool to Third Grade Early Learning
18.46 K-12 Education Funding
18.47 Promoting Civics Education, Voter Registration, and Voting
18.48 Equitable Access to School Library Information and Technology Programs
18.49 Inclusive and Historically Accurate Standards, Curricula, and Practices
18.50 Ensuring Graduation with a Meaningful High School Diploma

Retired Resolutions

Retired resolutions are kept on the books to indicate association positions. Typically, they are retired because the objectives have been met, or the resolution was replaced by a newer one. Resolutions may also be rescinded by members; they are taken off the books and no longer reflect a position of WSPTA.


Here are the WSPTA Retired Resolutions.

Board Positions

There are currently no active board positions.