Join with over 80,000 of your fellow Washingtonians to help achieve Washington State PTA’s vision of making every child’s potential a reality. Your membership will support our many activities on behalf of children, including but not limited to the arts, scholarships, and advocacy at the state and national level.
Join a Local PTA/PTSA
If you would like to join a local PTA/PTSA, please use the Find Your PTA tool below.
To be a voting member, you must join a local PTA/PTSA directly.
Supporting Membership
Washington State PTA’s Supporting Membership* is designed for:
- People who may no longer be active at a local school or PTA but continue to be interested in children’s issues
- Friends of PTA such as business and community leaders
- Grandparents, aunts, uncles, and friends
- Current and potential sponsors and exhibitors wishing to further their support of PTA’s mission.
- And citizens across Washington who wish to have an impact on the lives of children in Washington by adding their voices to the tens of thousands of others in our state
Supporting Membership dues are $25.00 and are fully tax deductible and non-refundable.
Click here to join as a supporting member.
*WSPTA Uniform Bylaws defines Supporting Memberships in Article 4 Membership and Dues, Section Supporting Membership-WSPTA as “an individual who supports the purposes and basic policies of the National PTA and WSPTA may be a supporting member of WSPTA by paying dues directly to WSPTA. A supporting member has none of the rights of membership except as specified in these bylaws and may receive other benefits as prescribed by WSPTA policy. A supporting member may become a full member of WSPTA by additionally joining a local PTA.
Join Your Local PTA![](
Join a local PTA to become a member with all rights and benefits, which include voting and other membership privileges. Search for a PTA in your community using the search tool below, many PTAs have a direct online join option!
Search Tip: The search looks for results that contain your search criteria. If you don’t see your PTA, try fewer words in the search. For example try Bell instead of Alexander Graham Bell Elementary.