

PTA Leaders

WSPTA Election Information

In early May 2025, the assembled delegates at the WSPTA Annual Meeting will elect the 2025-2027 Board of Directors. The newly elected board members will begin their terms June 1, 2025. All WSPTA board members’ terms conclude on May 31, 2027.

Click here for Job Descriptions for the 2025-2027 Board of Directors.

Please note that there have been a few notable changes to board roles for the upcoming term, including the conversion of the Finance Officer position to Treasurer and the replacement of five Area Vice President positions with two Field Service Director positions.

More information can be found in the WSPTA Policy Manual, sections 5 and 6. In addition, qualifications for each position are located in the WSPTA Uniform Bylaws Article 7, Section 3.

WSPTA Nominating Committee Report

The 2024-2026 Washington State PTA Nominating Committee  hereby places the following names into nomination:

The nominating committee has confirmed that all nominees have been a member of a PTA for at least 15 days prior to the election, and meet other requirements as stated in the WSPTA Uniform Bylaws.

See the full report here.

Please note: Jay Pulacode has since withdrawn her candidacy for the office of president.

Self-Declare Window Now Open

The 15-day window for self-declaring is now open. All information is due no later than 12:00 PM, February 14, 2025.

Per WSPTA Policy, section 7.4.1, this is the official call for self-declared candidates.

Qualified persons may self-declare candidacy by completing the Self-Declaration of Candidacy form indicating their intent to run. To be considered as qualified for a position, please review the WSPTA Uniform Bylaws, Article 7 Section 3F for each specific position’s eligibility requirements. Job descriptions for each position may be found on this page.

By submitting the Self-Declaration of Candidacy form, candidates agree that:

  • They are a current PTA member.
  • They meet the qualifications for the office.
  • They shall abide by the campaign/election policies and guidelines.

The Self-Declaration of Candidacy form includes the following required materials:

  1. Declaration of Good Faith, as detailed in WSPTA Policy.
  2. A statement, not to exceed 150 words, to be included in the annual meeteing program and on the campaign board.
  3. A statement, not to exceed 500 words, to be posted on the WSPTA website.

After submitting the form, self-declared candidates must send the final two required items listed below to by the February 14, 2025 12:00 PM deadline:

  • a digital photo to be used in annual meeting materials (i.e. program, website, etc.)
  • a one-page (8 1/2″ x 11″) résumé, to be posted on the candidate’s page on the WSPTA website.

Self-declared candidates must submit all required materials by the February 14, 2025 12:00 PM deadline to be included in the election.

Upon receipt of the Self-Declaration of Candidacy form, the WSPTA office shall send to each self-declared candidate Elections Oversight Committee (EOC) information, campaign regulations, and any other requirements.

Elections Oversight Committee

The Elections Oversight Committee (EOC) oversees the election process. The committee shall review all materials for compliance with WSPTA Policy. All concerns raised during the election period shall be directed to the EOC chair.