

PTA Leaders

Leader Resources

As a benefit of affiliation with WSPTA, local PTA and council leaders have access to numerous resources. PTA leaders should prepare their board and committee members for success by making them aware of the variety of resources available on the WSPTA website.

Available resources:

PTA leaders are provided a username and password to access these pages. This username and password is for leaders only. Members receive a username and password to access the Member Discount Codes page in the welcome email, with their membership card attached, emailed to each paid member.


WSPTA provides a variety of newsletters to keep leaders informed and provide resources to be successful. If for some reason, you choose to no longer receive a newsletter, we recommend that you use the “Update Profile” link provided at the bottom of each newsletter. Please be aware that if you choose “Unsubscribe,” you will automatically be unsubscribed from all newsletters. Especially if you are using a position-specific email for your PTA, unsubscribing means that future leaders holding that position will not receive important information to help them in their duties.

WSPTA also recommends that leaders share the information with fellow board members, general members, and the school community as appropriate.

Current newsletters:

  • Leadership News (every other week) – specifically for PTA leaders
  • Membership News (quarterly) – sent to all members
  • Focus on Advocacy (weekly during legislative session) – sent to advocacy identified positions and those registered for the Action Network
  • Membership Database News (as needed) – sent to Admins

Visit the Newsletter Archive

If you currently do not receive any newsletter and are interested in subscribing, please contact