

July 28, 2024

August Checklist for Running Your PTA

Board To-Do List for August
Ongoing Tasks

  • Attend board and membership meetings
  • Read meeting minutes and offer corrections
  • Prepare reports for board and membership meetings
  • Get educated: take advantage of in-person and online training opportunities
  • Be familiar with your responsibilities and fulfill them
  • Review and ask questions about the monthly financial report
  • Actively engage in plan for membership growth
  • Prepare content for a newsletter(s) and social media
  • Review and update your website
  • Participate, help others, and communicate
  • Review the Standards of Affiliation Checklist

Monthly Tasks

Financial Review
Update calendar for membership meetings or PTA activities for the year. Make sure your public-facing calendar is up to date for your members.

Speak at the August school staff meeting (with permission)
Coordinate with the principal and be prepared that this might look different than in the past. Introduce yourself, talk about membership, share the benefits of PTA, explain any grants, reimbursement forms, programs, or events that directly affect staff.

Hold your first board meeting/retreat
As a board, set goals, prepare for your first membership meeting, review your budget and standing rules, and recommend these documents for approval at your first membership meeting.

PTA Day at the Park
It is time for another exciting Washington State PTA Day at the Park with our Seattle Mariners on August 25.

Update your officers in Givebacks
It is important to keep updating the membership database system with your officers’ and board member information. This will ensure that your PTA remains in compliance and that your PTA leaders receive timely and relevant leader emails and newsletters. If you are a PTA officer that hasn’t yet accessed your PTA’s Givebacks page, visit and create a new login with the email address we have on file. Email if you need any additional assistance.

Update your new signers with your bank
(A Corporation Amendment may be required).

Create your plan for membership growth
Review your membership dues as any changes may need to be approved in your standing rules. Send membership renewal notices to last year’s members.

Begin the search for potential nominating committee members
No, it is not too early. Give this committee plenty of time to get to meet and know upcoming leaders for your PTA.

Review your board structure for next year
Changes in board structure need to be approved in standing rules before the nominating committee is elected.

Attend this year’s August Leadership Launch
Join us on August 23-24, 2024, for this year’s virtual conference, we will focus on providing new leaders with the training they need to launch a great school year for their PTA! Stay tuned for more details.

Share online WSPTA leader resources with all board members

Start your membership drive

Was your PTA Incorporated in August?
If so, then your Corporate Annual Report is due on August 31. The annual corporate renewal is due regardless of your PTA’s annual income and is separate from the Charitable Organization Registration/ Renewal. Washington Secretary of State’s office recommends early filing to avoid delinquent status. To check your PTAs status, click on the above link and hit the search tool, if you do not already have an account set up you will need to set up an account.

(originally posted July 25, 2018; revised August 3, 2019; revised July 29, 2020; revised August 1, 2021; revised August 1, 2022; August 1, 2023, July 29, 2024)

Category: Leadership

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