


Voting Information

Voting Delegate Credentials Process for Convention & Annual Meeting

Each year local PTAs and councils may send representatives to cast their votes at the annual meeting. Items that will be voted on this year include amendments to the WSPTA Uniform Bylaws, new resolutions, and the election of three at-large members for the 2024-2026 WSPTA Nominating Committee.

A person selected to be a delegate by their local PTA or council (as specified in their standing rules) will identify themselves during the registration process. Alternatively, instead of each individual registering themselves, a local PTA or council may register their attendees and designate delegates during this process. A local PTA voting delegate must be a member of the PTA they represent. A council delegate must be a member of a local PTA in that council. Voting credentials are non-transferable.

The 2024 WSPTA Convention and Annual Meeting is an in-person event, so an individual must be physically present to represent their PTA as a voting delegate. Only registered voting delegates may submit motions to amend standing rules or bylaws, debate, speak, and vote during the meeting.  

Voting delegate registration ends on May 6 at 12pm noon. Space permitting, members may be able to register until May 18, but in order to vote, they must provide evidence from their PTA President that they were named as a voting delegate. 

Local and council presidents may contact WSPTA anytime to verify the names of registrants who have signed up as delegates. They may also inform WSPTA if any person should not be a designated voting delegate for their PTA. Please note that an individual may not be a voting delegate for multiple groups (e.g., representing a local PTA and a council).

Determination of number of voting delegates per the WSPTA Uniform Bylaws

Article 10 – WSPTA Convention

Section 2 Voting delegates – convention

A. The method for selecting voting delegates and alternates shall be specified in the local PTA and council standing rules.

B. Local PTA voting delegates shall be members of the local PTA they represent. Council voting delegates shall be members of a local PTA in the council they represent.

C. Voting credentials shall be issued to voting delegates who have registered and paid the registration fee established by the WSPTA board of directors.

D. The number of voting delegates shall be determined as follows:

1. Local PTAs in good standing shall be entitled to have voting delegates for convention determined by the number of paid members at the end of January of the current year as shown below:

a. Up to 200 members: four voting delegates
b. One additional voting delegate for each additional 100 members

2. New local PTAs and councils chartered after January 31 of the current year shall be allowed representation on the basis of membership recorded in the WSPTA office 15 days prior to the opening day of the convention.

3. Each council in good standing shall be entitled to have four voting delegates at convention.

4. Members of the WSPTA board of directors and WSPTA region directors shall be voting delegates at convention.

E. Any member of a local PTA may attend the convention upon payment of registration fees.

F. A portion of the registration fee may be waived for volunteers at convention as prescribed by WSPTA policy.

Business of the Member Delegation

Delegates will vote during the annual WSPTA Annual Meeting during General Sessions on Saturday, May 18, and Sunday, May 19. 

Standing Rules
Delegates will consider the standing rules for the 2024 WSPTA Annual Meeting, which can be found here.

WSPTA Uniform Bylaws & Resolutions

Per the WSPTA Uniform Bylaws, Article 12, bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote at the WSPTA annual meeting, provided the amendments have been approved by the WSPTA board of directors. Resolutions require only a majority vote.

The 2024 Voter’s Guide will provide details for the bylaws amendments and resolutions that delegates will consider during the annual meeting.

The “How Things Work” resource outlines all the important things to know in order to have a successful experience at the convention and annual meeting, including a parliamentary procedure simplified chart and a flow diagram of the debate and voting process.

Any questions regarding the business of the member delegation may be directed to