


February 1, 2024

WSPTA Testifies: Schools Meals for All Students

Advocacy in Action! WSPTA Advocacy Committee member Danica Noble testified in favor of SB 5964, providing school meals to all students at the January 29th public hearing of the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee. While the bill didn’t advance, the companion to it – HB 2058 – is moving through the process in…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

February 1, 2024

2024 Washington Legislative Page Applications are Open 

Last day to apply is February 9, 2024  During the legislative session, students from across Washington come to Olympia to serve as pages for the Washington State Legislature. Each week, the House and Senate provide pages the opportunity to take part in the legislative process and observe the Legislature and other branches of state government…
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Category: Advocacy , Education , Family Engagement , Legislative

January 29, 2024

2024 Legislative Session: Policy Cutoff Approaches

By Marie Sullivan, Remember those 600+ bills introduced on Day 1 of the 2024 legislative session? Since then, nearly 600 more bills have been introduced – and this on top of bills not enacted last year that still have some juice! Policy and budget committees have been busy holding public hearings and voting on…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

January 22, 2024

Advocates Assemble! WSPTA at Focus on Advocacy Day 2024

It’s hard to believe it’s already been a week since hundreds of PTA advocates assembled in Olympia for the 2024 edition of Focus on Advocacy Day. We wanted to share some photos from the day, including the terrific image below of parents, students, educators, and advocates from across Washington standing on the Capitol steps. WSPTA…
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Category: Advocacy , Events , Legislative

January 21, 2024

Annual Focus on Advocacy Day Brings Parents, Students to Olympia

By Marie Sullivan, Even though the temperatures were frosty, and the fountains iced over, a little cold didn’t stop the more than 150 parents and students from visiting Olympia on Monday, January 15 for Focus on Advocacy Day. Members gathered in the Columbia Room and walked around the campus, meeting with legislators, listening to…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

January 16, 2024

WSPTA Testifies: Students and Leaders Convene in Olympia for Focus on Advocacy Day

Advocacy in Action! Washington State PTA was rocking Olympia on January 15, testifying both in person and remotely before three different committees and talking with their legislators. Here’s a look at the day’s testifiers. While he was in town for Focus on Advocacy Day, Paultoro Tanaka, a student at Robert Eagle Staff Middle School, testified…
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Category: Advocacy , Education , Legislative

January 12, 2024

WSPTA Testifies on Education Funding

Advocacy in Action! Angela Steck, President of Washington State PTA, testified on January 8 before the House Appropriations Committee, thanking Governor Jay Inslee for investments in school meals and lifting the cap on special education from 15% to 17.25%. Angela also noted that 113 school districts would remain above the 17.25% cap, so it was…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

January 8, 2024

2024 Session Preview: Legislature convenes January 8 for short session

By Marie Sullivan, The Washington State Legislature convenes Monday, January 8th, for the second year of the 68th biennium and a 60-day session that is scheduled to end by March 7, 2024. Legislators must adopt supplemental budgets for operating, capital, and transportation based on updated revenue forecasts and changes to caseloads. Lawmakers also will…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

January 4, 2024

Attend National PTA’s LegCon Hill Day: March 5-7 in Alexandria, VA

  National PTA’s Legislative Conference and Hill Day (LegCon Hill Day) will take place March 5-7, 2024 in Alexandria, VA. Learn from advocates across the country. Share PTA priorities with your members of Congress! Here’s the link to the National PTA website page with all the relevant information. Here’s the link to the Eventbrite page…
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Category: Advocacy , Leadership , Legislative , Training