


December 10, 2020

Community, Advocacy, and Membership

Synergy. Powered by PTA. Imagine your PTA as a triangle with Membership, Advocacy, and FACE (Family And Community Engagement) at each of its corners. Imagine all the results of having a PTA at your school or in your community are within the triangle. Now, if one of the points of the triangle didn’t exist, you…
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Category: Advocacy , Family Engagement , Membership

November 9, 2020

Seven Actions for Council Advocacy

Councils play a critical role in encouraging and mobilizing advocates for children and youth.  Here are seven steps for councils to support and grow community advocacy. Learn about WSPTA’s Top 5 Legislative Priorities (and also supported issues) for 2020 – 2021 and encourage local leaders to sign up for Action Alerts. These legislative priorities have…
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Category: Advocacy , Leadership

October 26, 2020

What should WSPTA members expect this upcoming legislative session?

Marie Sullivan, WSPTA Legislative Consultant, shares a look ahead at 2021 and topics that are likely under consideration by the 66th Legislature. House and Senate will be holding virtual winter “Assembly Days,” with committee work sessions the week after Thanksgiving. (Note, they already held virtual fall “Assembly Days” in September, but no public comment.) Governor’s…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

August 6, 2020

Reopening Schools Health Metrics

On August 5, Governor Jay Inslee announced recommendations for health metrics to help guide local public health departments and school districts making decisions about how to reopen schools in the fall. In addition to the press conference, which can be viewed on TVW, here is the 5-page decision tree.
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Category: Advocacy

April 13, 2020

2020 Supplemental Operating and Capital Budgets Signed by Governor

Prepared by Marie Sullivan, WSPTA Legislative Consultant, Friday afternoon, March 27, Governor Jay Inslee signed the 2020 supplemental operating and capital budgets. The Governor acknowledged that in normal times he would have signed the budget with very few changes. “These are not normal times, however, and we need to look ahead to our falling revenues…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

March 26, 2020

Washington State PTAs and COVID-19

Updated on March 26, 2020, to include summary of topics. Updated on March 11, 2020, adding information on Childcare and Venue Rental Agreements. This post covers the following topics: Advocating for All, Childcare, Supporting Schools, Events and Activities, Venue Rental Agreements, Virtual Meetings, Donating to Families, and Media Inquiries. Our local PTAs and PTA councils…
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Category: Advocacy , Health & Well-being , Leadership

March 16, 2020

2020 Legislative Session – Week Nine Recap, Sine Die

Legislature adjourns March 12 Prepared by Marie Sullivan, WSPTA Legislative Consultant, The Legislature adjourned “sine die” on March 12, leaving $2 billion in the Rainy-Day Account and nearly $1 billion in reserves. To support COVID-19 efforts, the Legislature appropriated $200 million, of which $25 million was set aside in a new unemployment account created…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

March 13, 2020

Supplemental Operating Budget Highlights

Prepared by Marie Sullivan, WSPTA Legislative Consultant On March 11, the House and Senate operating budget negotiators released their agreed-upon supplemental operating budget. Here are the highlights for K-12 education: $45.7 million for LEA hold harmless (list of school districts and funding); $31.8 million for 0.5 school counselors, starting with high-poverty elementary schools (50% or…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

March 13, 2020

Information regarding ESSB 5395 – Comprehensive Sexual Health Education Bill

Prepared by Marie Sullivan, WSPTA Legislative Consultant Parents who are wondering about ESSB 5395, the comprehensive sexual health education bill, may find the following bill information or this bill report helpful. As always, I encourage people to “read the bill.” Here some things to keep in mind: Timing & Curriculum If your district doesn’t currently…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative