Town Hall Q&A Drop-in Session
Many legislators will be holding town halls over the next few weeks to check in with their constituents. Legislative advocacy can feel intimidating or confusing at times. We get that and want to support you. Advocacy Committee members are happy to help you prepare for your town hall and answer any questions you might have.…
Town Hall Q&A Drop-in Session
Many legislators will be holding town halls over the next few weeks to check in with their constituents. Legislative advocacy can feel intimidating or confusing at times. We get that and want to support you. Advocacy Committee members are happy to help you prepare for your town hall and answer any questions you might have.…
WSPTA Testifies: Disappointment with Operating Budget Proposal
Advocacy in Action! WSPTA President Angela Steck testified in both the House Appropriations and Senate Ways & Means committees on Monday and Tuesday, sharing members’ disappointment with the lack of investments in K-12 education in outgoing Gov. Jay Inslee’s operating budget proposal. Steck focused on the Big 3 – MSOC (materials, supplies, and operating costs),…
Joint Select Committee on Article IX Litigation
In a short session today, the Joint Select Committee on Article IX Litigation unanimously approved a report to the Supreme Court describing the 2018 session’s accomplishments towards meeting the McCleary lawsuit. Two major elements of the 16-page report include expediting educator salaries to the 2018-19 school year and establishing a $105 million “penalty account,” which…
Education Funding Changes Signed into Law
On Tuesday, March 27, Governor Inslee signed E2SSB 6362, the “fixes” to last session’s EHB 2242 on education funding. For a summary of the changes, see our Week 9 recap. Details on the effects on funding statewide and for each school district can be found by downloading the “Updated Multi-Year Budget Comparison Tool” from the OSPI…
Governor’s 2018 budget would close gap mandated by Court
In his 2018 supplemental operating budget, Democratic Governor Jay Inslee proposed spending $950 million to reach full funding of state salary allocations for educators and school staff in the 2018-19 school year. This would move up the state’s salary phase-in by a year, which would resolve the problem raised by the Supreme Court last month…
WSPTA Invited to Press Conference for the Release of Governor Inslee’s 2018 Supplemental Budget
Flanked by leaders from the Washington State PTA and the Washington Education Association, Governor Jay Inslee released his proposed 2018 supplemental budget Thursday morning. Also invited to speak at the press conference was Superintendent of Public Instruction Chris Reykdal. Hear WSPTA President Michelle Nims’ speech, as she represents over 133,000 members, and the details about…
November 15 Supreme Court McCLeary Ruling Summation from Network for Excellence in Washington Schools (NEWS)
WSPTA is an original member of The Network for Excellence in Washington Schools (NEWS). Below is a summation from NEWS of yesterday’s ruling. The Supreme Court’s November 15, 2017 Order did three things: It unanimously rejected the State’s claim that the 2017 legislature satisfied the court orders in the McCleary case. It unanimously rejected the…
State Assistant Attorney General asks Supreme Court to End McCleary Case
Prepared by Marie Sullivan, WSPTA Legislative Consultant, In oral arguments before the Supreme Court on October 24, 2017, state Assistant Attorney General Alan Copsey asked the Court to find that the state is in compliance with amply funding education and to close the case. In the event the Court was concerned about the two-biennium…
Office of Financial Management K-12 Education Funding Comparison
Below is a side-by-side summary, from the Office of Financial Management (OFM), of the different McCleary proposals. This is a simplified look at the proposals—it is not comprehensive nor does it have all the details of each plan. The second document below is a look at the dollars based on the state fiscal year. For a district…