Effective Budgets and Financial Strategies
Building a goal-based budget is key to the success of PTAs. Learn how to assess your PTA’s financial management practices and how to develop and amend budgets. Topics discussed in this class are not covered in the class “Managing Your Nonprofit PTA”. Register below.
Highlighting the Non-Signer Monthly Review
Does your PTA have a non-signer reviewing your finances each month? Did you know that if you have Fidelity Bond (crime) insurance, you are required to have a member of your PTA, that does not have the authority to sign for financial transactions, reviewing your financial statements monthly? Even if your PTA does not carry…
990 and Insurance Roundtable
Join Washington State PTA Corporate Finance Committee members as we talk about 990 filings and insurance. This is a great opportunity to get your questions answered about these incredibly important topics. Register below
Debit and Secured Credit Cards – Is your PTA ready?
By Liz Nord, WSPTA Finance Officer Our PTAs need to adjust to the changing needs of our communities. One of the changes that WSPTA has been hearing about is the difficulty with leaders funding events, programs, and business needs up front, while waiting for reimbursement. Local PTAs and Councils are finding that relying solely on…
A Better Payment Processing Option for Your PTA
Guest post by our sponsor, Cheddar Up A very buzzy topic among parent groups is: “Can PTAs use Venmo?” The answer is layered: Yes, you could. It is available to you. But should you use it? Here, we’ll look at a few reasons to pinpoint why Venmo may not work for your PTA and a…
Effective Budgets
Building a goal-based budget is key to the success of PTAs. Learn how to assess your PTA’s financial management practices and how to develop and amend budgets. Topics discussed in this class are not covered in the class Managing Your Nonprofit PTA.
Ask WSPTA: Can a PTA sign up for a Venmo account?
Here’s a common question we receive in the support@wastatepta.org inbox: Can our PTA set up a Venmo account for fundraising? For a long time, we highly discouraged the use of Venmo because it was not designed to work for nonprofits. Over the past couple years, Venmo has introduced a new version of its product that…
Managing Your Nonprofit PTA
The financial management of the PTA is the responsibility of the entire board of directors. Learn basic financial skills to manage and track PTA funds, online accounts, legal obligations to maintain your tax-exempt status and other considerations. This training is recommended for all elected officers and board members. Register here for the zoom link to…
How to Prevent, Identify, and Deal with Embezzlement of Your PTA’s Funds
Guest post provided by Platinum Sponsor, Association Insurance Management Inc (AIM) Ever wonder what the #1 claim type that AIM Insurance handles? Believe it or not, it’s embezzlement. Yet, because PTA’s fear information about the impact of embezzlement of their PTA’s funds getting out to the public, it often remains a shameful secret. And unfortunately,…
Tip of the Week – May 19
Budgets Should Align with the Stated Purpose of Your PTA PTA funds must be spent on PTA purposes. Check to make sure that your PTA’s budget and activities are aligned with your PTA’s purposes. Each PTA submitted an IRS Form 1023 or an IRS Form 1024 when they applied for nonprofit status (501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4)).…