Learn More About the Community Your PTA Serves
PTA represents parents, caregivers, educators and communities of all children, which enables us to best achieve PTA’s mission to make every child’s potential a reality. Our collective backgrounds, perspectives and ideas allow us to create the strongest future and direction for PTA. To more effectively serve ALL children and families, we need to understand who…
Featured Partnership: Special Olympics Washington – Unified Champion Schools
In recognition of Inclusive Schools Week, the WSPTA Special Education Committee has invited presenters from the Special Olympics Washington Unified Champion Schools program. The Unified Champion Schools® program fosters school climates that: are free from bullying and exclusion, combat stereotypes and negative attitudes, eliminate hurtful language, promote healthy activity and interactions, and are welcoming and…
Family and Community Engagement News
Hello PTA Friends and Colleagues! As we enter a very busy and festive holiday season, I encourage all of you to consider how to make your PTA’s winter events, meetings, and communications inclusive. Inclusivity and diversity are terms that are often used interchangeably but mean different things. Our friends at National PTA have shared a…
Family Engagement
The Shape of Our Families
We all know that families come in many shapes and sizes. Some families are large, with lots of children. Some are small. Some families have one parent, some have several parents. Some families are headed by grandparents or foster parents, two moms, two dads. Some families have welcomed adopted children or foster children in addition…
Family Engagement