February Checklist for Councils Supporting Local PTAs
February Monthly Tasks Continue assisting with items from the “Ongoing Tasks” list. Refer to the February Checklist for Running Your PTA. Encourage leaders to subscribe to the WSPTA Action Alerts to participate in timely action alerts with updates on the ongoing legislative session. Remind local leaders of the February 13 submission deadline for student programs (WSPTA…
January Checklist for Councils Supporting Local PTAs
January Monthly Tasks Continue assisting with items from the “Ongoing Tasks” list. Refer to the January Checklist for Running Your PTA. Reflections entries due to WSPTA by January 15 Councils can access the submission form here. Contact Reflections@wastatepta.org with questions. Remind local PTAs about the 1099-NEC due for independent contractors by January 31 For contractors you paid more than $600…
WSPTA Standards of Affiliation for 2024-2025
Washington State PTA provides a Standards of Affiliation (SOA) Agreement Checklist to provide support and guidance to local PTAs and councils. The Standards of Affiliation agreement is a list of legal requirements from the state of Washington, the IRS, insurance requirements, local government licensing requirements, and Washington State PTA and National PTA requirements. It is…
WSPTA’s Leadership Service Award is a tool for leadership development
Washington State PTA is a volunteer organization. The differences we make in the lives of children are because of volunteers committed to being a voice for every child. In gratitude for the many hours of service and training put in by volunteers, the WSPTA Board of Directors created a leadership program to recognize and acknowledge…
Individual State Awards – Nominate Someone Now!
Help to recognize leaders for their work in statewide service, advocacy, and teaching (including staff) by submitting a nomination! The all-in-one form for nominating leaders is now available on the WSPTA Application & Submission Portal and has been updated to make it easy and quick to apply. Visit this page for more information about all…