

Simple Majority

January 16, 2022

Take Action Now – Just 90 Seconds to Help Pass Simple Majority for Bonds

Deadline: January 18, 7:00 am Washington state requires a super-majority of 60% to pass school bonds, one of only 11 states that requires more than 50% of the vote. This extra requirement has cost school districts billions of dollars in funds and puts our students’ safety at risk from buildings that are overcrowded, unsafe due…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

February 15, 2019

WSPTA Testifies on School Construction and Simple Majority for Bonds

Sherry Rudolph showed some love for two bills that were heard February 14, including SB 5853, which would increase the 40-year old student space allocation and cost allowance formulas to more current standards, with a phased-in approach. The bill was part of the Senate Ways & Means Committee meeting. Here’s her testimony in support of…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative