Highlighting the Non-Signer Monthly Review
Does your PTA have a non-signer reviewing your finances each month? Did you know that if you have Fidelity Bond (crime) insurance, you are required to have a member of your PTA, that does not have the authority to sign for financial transactions, reviewing your financial statements monthly? Even if your PTA does not carry…
Ask WSPTA: What are the best practices when changing banks?
Here’s a question that pops up from time to time. Sometimes a PTA finds that their current financial institution isn’t serving them well, so leadership begins to consider a change. What should these leaders consider as they weigh a change? We don’t have a set guide for picking your financial institution, so we’ll cover some…
990 and Insurance Roundtable
Join Washington State PTA Corporate Finance Committee members as we talk about 990 filings and insurance. This is a great opportunity to get your questions answered about these incredibly important topics. Register below
Ask WSPTA: Can a PTA sign up for a Venmo account?
Here’s a common question we receive in the support@wastatepta.org inbox: Can our PTA set up a Venmo account for fundraising? For a long time, we highly discouraged the use of Venmo because it was not designed to work for nonprofits. Over the past couple years, Venmo has introduced a new version of its product that…