

February 23, 2025

First deadline signals end of the line for many bills, Big 3 remain alive

A logo featuring a minimalist depiction of a state capitol building, with the words Legislative Update 2025 Session below.By Marie Sullivan,

Over the course of the 105-day session the Legislature has set deadlines for bills to remain under consideration and possibly cross the finish line for signature by Governor Bob Ferguson. The first of these “cutoffs” was Friday, February 21st, when bills needed to pass out of policy committees. Bills with a fiscal impact were sent to budget or the transportation committees, where they will need to be acted upon by the next deadline of February 28th to remain “alive” this session.

A summary of bills that failed to meet the February 21st cutoff can be found at the end of this report. As a reminder, all bills that don’t meet any of the cutoff calendar dates are eligible for consideration again in 2026.

Click here to view the full Week 7 Bill Tracker.

Special education, MSOC scheduled for a vote

The House Appropriations Committee has scheduled HB 1310 and HB 1338 for an executive session Thursday, February 27th.  Committee action, as well as any amendments, will provide a glimpse of what’s to come in the House Chair’s proposed operating budget next month.

As you might remember, HB 1310 would:

  • remove the 16% student enrollment cap for state funding of special education services;
  • lower the safety net threshold to 1.5 times average per pupil expenditure;
  • increase the current special education multipliers applied to the general education rate based on percentage of time spent in general education classrooms;
  • create a set aside of .005 of the excess cost allocations for OSPI to use for monitoring for disproportionality and technical assistance for inclusionary practices; and
  • make changes to accounting methodologies for the proration and allocation of special education students’ general apportionment allocations for special education.

Under the bill, the cost multipliers for special education would be increased as follows:

  • from 1.12 to 1.5289 for K-21 students spending 80 percent or more of the school day in a general education setting;
  • from 1.06 to 1.447 for K-21 students spending less than 80 percent of the school day in a general education setting; and
  • from 1.2 to 1.6381 for pre-kindergarten students.

The fiscal note on HB 1310 shows a 2025-27 biennial cost of $1.55 billion, increasing to $1.827 billion in the 2027-29 biennium, and about $1.894 billion in the 2029-31 biennium. This compares to $992.6 million in 2025-27, $1.16 billion in 2027-29, and $1.2 billion in 2029-31 for SSB 5263.

At a minimum, look for the multiplier ratios to change (likely decrease) in whatever is voted out of the House Appropriations committee on Thursday.

HB 1338 is the gold standard bill to address the gaps in state funding for Materials, Supplies and Operating Costs (MSOC). The bill would increase funding by the nine MSOC categories by about 20% and require a review and rebase of MSOC every four years, beginning the 2029-30 school year.

According to House Office of Program Research bill analysis, HB 1338 would increase the per pupil amount from about $1,570 to $1,883.77 per pupil in the 2025-26 school year. The additional per pupil amount for students in grades 9-12 would increase from about $209 to $250.72 per pupil and amounts for skill centers would also increase by about $300 per pupil.

For districts that receive a “small school factor,” the MSOC per certificated staff unit would be increased from about $14,060 to $16,870.44 in 2025-26. Additionally, inflation for MSOC would be defined as the Implicit Price Deflator (IPD) for the previous calendar year as of the beginning of the school year, which would align with the inflation factor used for state salary allocations.

The fiscal note on HB 1338 projects about $693.4 million in the 2025-27 biennium, $805.1 million in the 2027-29 biennium, and $837.4 million in the 2029-31 biennium. Contrast that with SB 5192, the Senate MSOC bill which has a fiscal impact of less than half of the House bill: $298.1 million in the 2025-27 biennium; $348.1 million in the 2027-29 biennium; and $362.7 million in the 2029-31 biennium.

The Senate Ways & Means Committee has not scheduled the Big 3 bills for a vote at the time of this report. The House Appropriations Committee has not scheduled HB 1579, addressing student transportation, for a public hearing, so the topic may need to continue through SB 5187.

NOTE: Look for an Action Alert Monday to members of the House and Senate fiscal committees encouraging them to vote on Big 3 bills before the February 28th cutoff.

Simple majority for bonds scheduled in Senate Ways & Means

The Senate Ways & Means Committee has scheduled the simple majority bonds for bills for a public hearing Monday, February 24, beginning at 1:30 PM.  SSB 5186 would go into effect if voters approve a change to the state Constitution, and SJR 8200 would direct the issue to be placed on the November General Election ballot. Sign in to support the bills by 12:30 PM, Monday, February 24th.

  • To sign in to support SSB 5186, click here.
  • To sign in to support SJR 8200, click here.

Bills to adjust tax preferences, estate tax introduced

As budget writers grapple with a projected $10 billion to $14 billion shortfall over the next four fiscal years, the topic of “new” and “progressive” revenue continues to be raised. As a reminder, bills that increase revenues are not subject to the cutoff calendar and are considered “Necessary to Implement the Budget.”

  • HB 1334 would modify the annual regular local property tax growth limit from the current 1% growth limit to 3%. During the public hearing, proponents said it would add about $20 per year to the property taxes of a home with an assessed value of $660,000.
  • HB 1356 also would change the 1% to 3% local property tax, and would earmark some of the additional revenue (estimated at about $200 million across the state per biennium) for special education services, local effort assistance, and support for additional substitute teacher days phased in over three biennia.

Both bills had a public hearing February 11, but only HB 1356 has been scheduled for a vote in the House Finance Committee on February 25th. No amendments are posted at the time of this report.

In addition, several bills have been introduced to remove or change tax preferences, many of which will be heard in the House Finance Committee this week.

HB 1320 was introduced at the request of the state’s budget Office of Financial Management and would increase various business and occupational taxes. The bill has not been scheduled for a hearing.

A new bill, HB 2019, will be introduced February 24th and has already been scheduled for a public hearing on Tuesday, February 25th. The bill takes aim at the current estate tax (which funds the Education Legacy Trust Account) and would modify the starting taxable amounts on the estate of decedents dying on or after January 1, 2026 from $2 million to $3 million plus the most recent Consumer Price Index of the previous October. The bill would apply prospectively and retroactively to estates of decedents dying on or after January 1, 2025. Tune in to TVW at 8 AM on Tuesday for this public hearing and executive session.

Advocacy in Action

February 17 Focus Day brought 280 parents and students to Olympia to advocate for K-12 funding. Washington State PTA, the Washington Education Association, and many other groups were at the state Capitol meeting with legislators and supporting their public schools. Members also heard from Superintendent of Public Instruction Chris Reykdal, who spoke directly with WSPTA members over the lunch hour.

WSPTA Advocacy Committee member Danica Noble kicked off a 10 AM event on the Temple of Justice steps and was quoted in the Washington State Standard. Read about the rally on the steps here.

In addition, WSPTA signed in as Pro on several bills but did not testify last week.

The Week Ahead – All hearings can be found on TVW – Schedule subject to change

Finance (House) – HHR A and Virtual JLOB – 2/24 @ 8:00am

  • HB 1995 – Public Hearing – Concerning tax preferences. (Remote Testimony Available).

Appropriations (House) – HHR A and Virtual JLOB – 2/24 @ 1:30pm

  • SHB 1163 – Public Hearing – Enhancing requirements relating to the purchase, transfer, and possession of firearms. (Remote Testimony Available). (Support)
  • SHB 1503 – Public Hearing – Furthering digital equity and opportunity in Washington state. (Remote Testimony Available). (Support/Low)
  • SHB 1651 – Public Hearing – Concerning teacher residency and apprenticeship programs. (Remote Testimony Available).

Transportation (Senate) – SHR 1 and Virtual J.A. Cherberg – 2/24 @ 1:30pm

  • SSB 5098 – Public Hearing – Restricting the possession of weapons on the premises of state or local public buildings, parks or playground facilities where children are likely to be present, and county fairs and county fair facilities. (Remote Testimony Available). (Support/High)

Ways & Means (Senate) – SHR 4 and Virtual JACB – 2/24 @ 1:30pm

  • SB 5007 – Public Hearing – Supporting students who are chronically absent and at risk for not graduating high school. (Remote Testimony Available).
  • SSB 5123 – Public Hearing – Expanding protections for certain students to promote inclusivity in public schools. (Remote Testimony Available). (Support)
  • SSB 5327 – Public Hearing – Concerning learning standards and graduation requirements. (Remote Testimony Available). (Concerns/Monitoring)
  • SSB 5186 – Public Hearing – Concerning local funding for school district facilities. (Remote Testimony Available). (Support/High)
  • SSJR 8200 – Public Hearing – Amending the Constitution to modify local funding authority for school district facilities. (Remote Testimony Available). (Support/High)

Finance (House) – HHR A and Virtual JLOB – 2/25 @ 8:00am

  • HB 2019 – Public Hearing – Making the estate tax more progressive. (Remote Testimony Available). (If measure is referred to committee.)
  • HB 1356 – Exec Session – Concerning K-12 funding. (Monitoring)

Ways & Means (Senate) – SHR 4 and Virtual JACB – 2/25 @ 1:30pm

  • SB 5752 – Public Hearing – Modifying childcare and early childhood development programs. (Remote Testimony Available).

Appropriations (House) – HHR A and Virtual JLOB – 2/27 @ 9:00am

  • SHB 1163 – Exec Session – Enhancing requirements relating to the purchase, transfer, and possession of firearms. (Support)
  • HB 1310 – Exec Session – Concerning special education funding. (Support/High)
  • HB 1338 – Exec Session – Concerning school operating costs. (Support/High)

Bills that failed to meet the February 21st cutoff (All bills can be found at the Legislative website):

  • HB 1011 and SB 5003 were not companion bills but both would have created a school safety capital grant program.
  • HB 1021 would have changed requirements for students of military families when a parent is transferred within or outside of the state under military orders.
  • HB 1031 would have directed OSPI to develop rules related to school districts’ cancellation of school days due to excessive heat.
  • HB 1051 would have allowed parents and legal guardians to record Individualized Education Program (IEP) team meetings.
  • HB 1121/SB 5346 would have required school districts to adopt a policy to restrict mobile devices, beginning in the 2026-27 school year.
  • HB 1134 would have created the voluntary Washington State Green Schools Program.
  • HB 1139 would have classified unlawful possession of a firearm in the first degree as a violent offence and increased the penalties for unlawful possession of a firearm in the first and second degree.
  • HB 1140 would have created a school voucher program.
  • HB 1231 would have created a grant program for districts to explore and implement later starting times.
  • HB 1241 would have made several changes to improve access to special education services.
  • HB 1259 would have changed supervision requirements for behavioral health professionals working in elementary and secondary public schools.
  • HB 1295 would have required the use of evidence-based instructional practices in reading and writing literacy for public elementary students.
  • HB 1495/SB 5442 would have established the College Promise pilot program in Eastern Washington.
  • HB 1504 would have required any person purchasing or owning a firearm to have firearm liability insurance or coverage by a bond.
  • HB 1528 would have created a statewide online system for student IEPs.
  • HB 1536 would have made changes related to juvenile offenses for unlawful possession of a firearm.
  • HB 1547/SB 5126 would have established a statewide network for student mental and behavioral health at OSPI. Elements of this bill are included in HB 1634.
  • HB 1637 would have created a school safety data dashboard to provide data on all school safety incidents. The bill also would have created a school safety grant program to support physically secure buildings.
  • HB 1657 would have created the Washington 13 Free Guarantee for students to attend technical colleges.
  • HB 1663 would have addressed youth mental health through various activities related to social workers in public schools.
  • HB 1727 and SB 5551 were not companion bills, but both were designed to require certificated teacher librarians in schools.
  • HB 1832 would have also addressed literacy efforts but took a different approach than HB 1295 (see above).
  • HB 1853 would have designated school district recreational fields as “green community schoolyards” and developed a shared-use model to increase the use of existing playgrounds and playfields.
  • HB 2007 would have expanded the graduation pathways to include competency-based assessments.
  • SB 5012 would have prohibited transgender students in grades 7-12 and transgender students in state universities or colleges from participating in athletic teams or sports.
  • SB 5080 would have made financial education a graduation requirement as it aligned with the State Board of Education’s Future Ready Washington effort. HB 1285 takes a different approach and is still alive.
  • SB 5097 would have required the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA) to regulate student participation in girls’ athletic activities.
  • SB 5115 would have created a grant program to award eligible students for completion of service hours for approved institutions or organizations.
  • SB 5120 would have expanded the Learning Assistance Program.
  • SB 5271 would have required a school nurse in districts with 2,000 or more students.
  • SB 5257 would have modified sentencing standards for juvenile possession of firearm offenses.
  • SB 5546 would have required the installation of solar energy systems on new school buildings that exceed 50,000 square feet if appropriations were provided.
  • SB 5562 would have exempted tuition and fees for students attending approved apprenticeship programs from consideration under the Washington College Grant.
  • SB 5593 would have changed the current enrichment levy and local effort assistance program from a per student limit to a percentage of student enrollment.
  • SB 5574 would have required OSPI to adopt Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander history learning standards as part of the state social studies learning standards and identify available curricula and other instructional materials by September 1, 2028. It would have required school districts to begin offering instruction in grades K-12 beginning in the 2029-30 school year.
  • SB 5658 would have made various changes to the Workforce Education Investment Account, the cost of attendance for the Washington College Grant for Apprenticeship, increased the median family income to qualify for the Washington College Grant, and codified the Bridge Grant.
  • SB 5666 would have established a new grant program to attract and pay full-time psychology interns.
  • SB 5735 would have established state standards for labeling imitation firearms (e.g., any BB device, toy gun, replica, or other device that is so substantially similar in coloration and overall appearance to an existing firearm as to lead a reasonable person to perceive that the device is a firearm).


Category: Advocacy , Legislative , News

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