

May 20, 2024

June Checklist for Running Your PTA

Ongoing Tasks

  • Attend any board and membership meetings
  • Read meeting minutes and offer corrections
  • Prepare reports for board and membership meetings
  • Get educated: take advantage of in-person and online training opportunities
  • Be familiar with your responsibilities and fulfill them
  • Review and ask questions about the monthly financial report
  • Actively engage in a plan for membership growth
  • Prepare articles for newsletter/social media
  • Review and update website
  • Participate, help, and communicate
  • Review the Standards of Affiliation Checklist

Monthly Tasks for the Outgoing Board of Directors

Share your PTA successes with your members.

Continue to report new officers to WSPTA.

Prepare materials for the transition to the incoming board members.
All materials, including notebooks, funds, and supplies that belong to the PTA should be given to incoming officers by June 30.

Make sure the incoming board has the latest version of your standing rules, any policies, and be prepared to turn over access to any electronic files or accounts such as your website and Facebook page.

Share with the incoming board members where to find relevant resources on the WSPTA website such as position-specific handbooks, WSPTA Uniform Bylaws, WSPTA Policy manual, WSPTA legislative platform resources, etc.

If you are returning to your position, organize the year’s materials and documents, and prepare for a new PTA year.

If you are leaving your position, hold a transition meeting with your replacement.

Close PTA books on June 30 and turn the books over to the financial review committee.

Print a hard copy of your membership roster.
File it with your permanent records.

Was your PTA Incorporated in June?  If so, then your annual Corporation Renewal is due on June 30. The annual corporation report is due regardless of your PTA’s annual income and is separate from the Charitable Organization Registration/ Renewal.

Monthly Tasks for the Incoming Board of Directors

Your position officially begins on July 1 but there are things you can begin to do to set your PTA up for success.

Enter next year’s officers into the Committees tab in memberplanet (WSPTA membership database). 

Complete the memberplanet End of Year checklist Please also use memberplanet to report your newly elected 2024-2025 officers.

Schedule a summer board retreat and next year’s membership meetings.

Meet with the school staff to discuss policies, calendars, and back-to-school volunteer needs.
It is a good idea to open the lines of communication between the PTA and the administration.

Begin work on “first-day packet” or “summer mailer” documents.

Communicate expectations with board members and chairs that need to get started in August.

Ask the principal if you may speak at an August staff meeting.
Inform teachers of grant options, classroom support, and PTA programs.

(originally posted May 31, 2018; revised May 29, 2019; revised May 26, 2020; revised June 2, 2021; revised June 1, 2022; revised May 30, 2023, May 22, 2024)

Category: Leadership

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