


January 19, 2023

Advocacy in Action! January 18, 2023

Prepared by Marie Sullivan,   WSPTA issue submitter Rene Price spoke in strong support for SB 5072, requiring universal screening to identify highly capable students, before the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee on January 18. Her testimony can be found here. WSPTA member Austina Del Bonte, who also serves as President of the…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

January 18, 2023

Advocacy in Action! January 17, 2023

Prepared by Marie Sullivan, On Tuesday, January 17th, parent advocate Tanya Aggar asked House Education Committee members to pass HB 1109, which would encourage school districts to evaluate students for special education services and develop Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) prior to the start of the school year. As a parent of a student with disabilities,…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

January 17, 2023

Call for Presenters for WSPTA Convention 2023

Have a program or practice that you want to share with others? Want to share your knowledge with a wide audience of state leaders? WSPTA is now seeking session proposals for Spring Conference 2023! The Spring Conference will be held in person May 6-7, 2023 in Bellevue. Any local, council, state, or outside organization presenter with a desire to present at the…
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Category: Leadership

January 17, 2023

January 2023 – Executive Director Message

Dear Members, What a difference a vacation makes! I love our holiday break. It is an opportunity for proper rest. So much of our little world also takes a break at the end of the year. We can return to PTA knowing that work has not accumulated much during our absence. That annual break always…
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Category: Leadership

January 16, 2023

Flurry of Hearings Kick Off Week 1 of the 2023 Session

Prepared by Marie Sullivan,   The first week of session started with pomp and circumstance, the swearing in of members of the 68th Legislature, and a state of the state address by Governor Jay Inslee. Hear Governor Inslee’s address to legislators here. Usually, the first week of a long session starts off a bit…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

January 12, 2023

Advocacy in Action! January 12, 2023

After waiting more than three hours to testify, parent advocate Jennifer Crespi asked House Appropriations Committee members to fully fund the cost of delivering services to students with disabilities. After thanking the Governor for his investments in this year’s budget proposal, Jennifer pointed out it wasn’t enough and urged lawmakers to remove the arbitrary cap…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

January 12, 2023

Advocacy in Action! January 11, 2023

Kicking off the first week of the 2023 legislative session, Advocacy Director Lizzy Sebring testified on Governor Inslee’s proposed 2023-25 operating budget in the Senate Ways & Means Committee Tuesday, January 10th. On behalf of WSPTA, Lizzy thanked the Governor for the increased funding for students with disabilities and funding for training in inclusionary practices,…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

January 12, 2023

New Faces, New Budget: What to Expect in the 2023 Legislative Session

On January 11, 2023 our WSPTA Legislative Consultant Marie Sullivan chaired an interactive discussion about 2022 election results, known and predicted session protocols, changes to committee assignments, and how to best engage with the 2023 legislature. You can watch the New Faces, New Budgets: What to Expect in the 2023 Legislative Session on our Viemo page.
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

January 9, 2023

68th Legislature Returns to Olympia January 9th

68th Legislature Returns to Olympia January 9th Prepared by Marie Sullivan, After two years of remote legislative sessions, all 147 legislators will return to Olympia January 9th to begin a 105-day session where the main bit of business is passing two-year spending plans for operations, construction, and transportation. All the rest is just gravy.…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative