


January 11, 2021

2021 Focus on Advocacy – January 11 Report

Legislative session opens January 11 Prepared by Marie Sullivan, WSPTA Legislative Consultant, When the 67th legislature meets for business January 11, it may be the only day in this 105-day session when legislators are meeting in person, in Olympia, at the State Capitol. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on large gatherings, both House…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

January 1, 2021

January 2021 – Executive Director Message

Dear Members, I love the new year. That was not always the case. In my youth, when my life was focused on science and mathematics, I thought that all of the falderal around the new year was just silly. Didn’t people understand how the calendar works, that it is all just arbitrary? The year just…
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Category: Leadership

December 30, 2020

Membership Dues Subsidies from PTA General Funds (Scholarship Memberships)

For many years, WSPTA has interpreted National PTA and WSPTA bylaws concerning payment of membership dues to prohibit local PTAs from using its own funds to pay for PTA memberships. In an effort to remove barriers, WSPTA leadership has consulted with National PTA, their accountants, and legal counsel over this interpretation. The major findings are:…
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Category: Membership

December 14, 2020

December 2020 – WSPTA Executive Director Message

Dear Members, We are rapidly approaching my favorite day of the year. As a native of Washington, I have always been very tuned into our day and night cycle. Throughout the summer we luxuriate in our long days and late evenings. We treasure the extra time we can spend on our patios, decks, and in…
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Category: Leadership

December 10, 2020

Community, Advocacy, and Membership

Synergy. Powered by PTA. Imagine your PTA as a triangle with Membership, Advocacy, and FACE (Family And Community Engagement) at each of its corners. Imagine all the results of having a PTA at your school or in your community are within the triangle. Now, if one of the points of the triangle didn’t exist, you…
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Category: Advocacy , Family Engagement , Membership

November 18, 2020

Give the Gift of Membership

Membership. Powered by PTA. As PTA leaders, you know the value of membership. And you realize that PTA membership is a voice for a child. As a membership organization, our PTAs need members so we, as an association, can accomplish the work we do to advocate for the education, family engagement, safety, health, and well-being…
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Category: Membership

November 11, 2020

PTA Gratitude

PTA Gratitude. Now More Than Ever. With Thanksgiving on the horizon, I find myself feeling sentimental and thankful for my family and my PTA family, which has been a big part of my life for the past 14 years.  I still treasure the friendships made when my child was in kindergarten, and those people are…
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Category: Family Engagement

November 9, 2020

Five Key Resources for Council Leaders

Have you visited WSPTA’s online leader resources?  The WSPTA website, under the “PTA Leaders” tab, has a variety of resources to help councils educate and support local PTAs.  The “Leadership Guides” page has been recently reorganized to help you find what you need faster than ever.  Don’t see what you’re looking for? Contact us to suggest…
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Category: Leadership

November 9, 2020

Seven Actions for Council Advocacy

Councils play a critical role in encouraging and mobilizing advocates for children and youth.  Here are seven steps for councils to support and grow community advocacy. Learn about WSPTA’s Top 5 Legislative Priorities (and also supported issues) for 2020 – 2021 and encourage local leaders to sign up for Action Alerts. These legislative priorities have…
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Category: Advocacy , Leadership