


February 1, 2024

2024 Washington Legislative Page Applications are Open 

Last day to apply is February 9, 2024  During the legislative session, students from across Washington come to Olympia to serve as pages for the Washington State Legislature. Each week, the House and Senate provide pages the opportunity to take part in the legislative process and observe the Legislature and other branches of state government…
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Category: Advocacy , Education , Family Engagement , Legislative

January 30, 2024

February Checklist for Councils Supporting Local PTAs

February Monthly Tasks    Continue assisting with items from the “Ongoing Tasks” list.    Refer to the February Checklist for Running Your PTA.    Encourage leaders to subscribe to the  Action Network to participate in timely action alerts with updates on the ongoing legislative session. As a bonus, subscribers to the Action Network receive the “Focus on Advocacy” newsletter.   Remind local leaders…
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Category: Leadership , Training

January 30, 2024

February Checklist for Running Your PTA

Ongoing Tasks Attend any board and membership meetings Read meeting minutes and offer corrections Prepare reports for board and membership meetings Get educated: take advantage of in-person and online training opportunities Be familiar with your responsibilities and fulfill them Review and ask questions about monthly financial report Actively engage in a plan for membership growth…
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Category: Leadership

January 29, 2024

Self-declare Window Now Open for Vacant WSPTA Board Positions

There are currently two vacancies on the Washington State PTA (WSPTA) Board of Directors: Advocacy Director and Area D Vice President. Delegates at the 2024 WSPTA Convention will vote to fill these vacancies. On January 21, 2024, the WSPTA Nominating Committee filed its report and placed the following name in nomination for the remainder of…
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Category: Governance

January 29, 2024

2024 Legislative Session: Policy Cutoff Approaches

By Marie Sullivan, Remember those 600+ bills introduced on Day 1 of the 2024 legislative session? Since then, nearly 600 more bills have been introduced – and this on top of bills not enacted last year that still have some juice! Policy and budget committees have been busy holding public hearings and voting on…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

January 23, 2024

Ask WSPTA: Can a PTA sign up for a Venmo account?

Here’s a common question we receive in the inbox: Can our PTA set up a Venmo account for fundraising? For a long time, we highly discouraged the use of Venmo because it was not designed to work for nonprofits. Over the past couple years, Venmo has introduced a new version of its product that…
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Category: Governance , Leadership , Training

January 22, 2024

Be Internet Awesome: A Great National PTA Program

Be Internet Awesome is a FREE National PTA program to help families be digital savvy when it comes to internet use for kids. Every family’s relationship with technology is unique. Google and YouTube provide products and resources to help you choose the right experience for your family and build healthy digital habits. Whether you’re looking…
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Category: Safety

January 22, 2024

Advocates Assemble! WSPTA at Focus on Advocacy Day 2024

It’s hard to believe it’s already been a week since hundreds of PTA advocates assembled in Olympia for the 2024 edition of Focus on Advocacy Day. We wanted to share some photos from the day, including the terrific image below of parents, students, educators, and advocates from across Washington standing on the Capitol steps. WSPTA…
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Category: Advocacy , Events , Legislative