State Assistant Attorney General asks Supreme Court to End McCleary Case
Prepared by Marie Sullivan, WSPTA Legislative Consultant, In oral arguments before the Supreme Court on October 24, 2017, state Assistant Attorney General Alan Copsey asked the Court to find that the state is in compliance with amply funding education and to close the case. In the event the Court was concerned about the two-biennium…
New: 2017 End of Session Legislative Report for WSPTA Members
Read about the 2017 session’s legislation that passed and didn’t pass, find an overview of the state’s education funding plan, HB 2242, and high-level operating budget investments in education.
Washington Capital Budget
Dear WSPTA Member, Many schools in Washington are overcrowded or in desperate need of updating in order to provide a healthy and safe learning environment. One billion dollars in School Construction Assistance is at stake! We are asking you to contact your legislators to do the right thing in supporting Washington’s children and bring the…
Inslee calls 3rd special session, tells legislature it’s time to get their work done
Wednesday, June 21st marked the end of the 2nd special session and the start of the 3rd special session. Governor Inslee called the third special session, clearly frustrated with the lack of progress. Under intense media questioning, Inslee said that he would veto a 30-day budget bill if one came to his desk. “The differences…
Op-Ed Article by Representatives Dolan and Stonier
Here is an informative op-ed piece (Seattle Times) from two state representatives, Dolan and Stonier, that supports WSPTA’s Resolution 18.13, which states no single factor should determine a student’s advancement such as graduation from high school. HB 1046, the bill that has passed the state House three times by a wide bipartisan margin, would still require the…
Office of Financial Management K-12 Education Funding Comparison
Below is a side-by-side summary, from the Office of Financial Management (OFM), of the different McCleary proposals. This is a simplified look at the proposals—it is not comprehensive nor does it have all the details of each plan. The second document below is a look at the dollars based on the state fiscal year. For a district…
Action Alert for House Bill 1046
On behalf of the Legislative Committee, we are asking you to use the message below to contact your state senator in support of House Bill 1046. HB 1046 would continue the practice of using statewide high school assessments in English Language Arts, Math, and Science for federal accountability purposes, but would remove the requirement to…
Reykdal Describes Education Vision; 2nd Special Session Called
At a 9 a.m. press conference Wednesday, May 24, Superintendent of Public Instruction Chris Reykdal outlined steps the Legislature could take to meet the Supreme Court’s McCleary decision, and described a vision of education that is “bigger than the court case.” To get to “ample,” the state needs to increase its funding for public education…
Washington State Board of Education May Meeting Highlights
Highlights from the May 2017 State Board of Education meeting are below. You can find packet materials through links in the text, or review all meeting and additional materials online. You can also watch videos of the meeting, by agenda section, online. SBE voted on the following business items: The Board approved the list of Private Schools…
Little Action in Legislature
With less than 10 days left in the first special session, legislators don’t have much to show in the way of progress. Yes, both chambers returned May 2 and passed bills, and yes, the Governor continues to sign bills that passed in the regular session. But Senate Republicans continue to refuse to meet with House…