2021 Focus on Advocacy – April 5 Report
Tell legislators to preserve K-12 funding this session Prepared by Marie Sullivan, WSPTA Legislative Consultant, legconsultant@wastatepta.org Now that both chambers have released and passed their versions of a two-year operating budget, here are some suggestions of where to spend your advocacy efforts – please tell your legislators and budget writers to: Fund the actual costs…
House School Seismic Safety Retrofit Gets Praise
Registered professional engineer and WSPTA parent advocate DaleAnn Baker thanked House Capital Budget Committee members for their $65 million investment in the school seismic safety retrofit program. The Senate was not as generous, with a proposal of only $3.1 million. Seismic safety is one element of the legislative platform adopted last fall by members at…
Call to Action – Lead in Drinking Water
Take action on lead in drinking water today! No fooling, the Senate Ways & Means Committee will hear public testimony on April 1st regarding E2SHB 1139, taking action on lead in drinking water. Washington State PTA would like you to “take action” by signing in as “Pro” before noon on April 1 on this important bill.…
2021 Focus on Advocacy – March 29 Report
Budgets released, different approaches for K-12 Prepared by Marie Sullivan, WSPTA Legislative Consultant, legconsultant@wastatepta.org Last week the Senate and House Democrats released transportation, operating and capital budgets, starting with transportation on Monday; the House capital budget Wednesday evening; the Senate operating and capital budgets on Thursday; and the House operating budget on Friday. The Senate…
Stabilizing K-12 Funding a Priority This Session
Last fall members adopted a position in support of preserving K-12 education funding under the pandemic. At issue was a possible $9 billion budget deficit that could lead to reduced state funding and mid-year cuts. Fortunately, the state’s economy is recovering and a third infusion of federal stimulus funds is forthcoming. Lizzy Sebring asked Senate…
2021 National PTA LegCon Report
Washington State PTA members embraced the 2021 virtual format for National PTA’s annual Legislative Conference (LegCon). The conference began March 9. Of the over 800 attendees, 58 were from local PTAs here in Washington state, including two students. For some, the event was their first experience with federal advocacy. National PTA contracted with a professional…
2021 Focus on Advocacy – March 22 Report
Revenue forecast up, budgets to be released this week Prepared by Marie Sullivan, WSPTA Legislative Consultant, legconsultant@wastatepta.org As anticipated, the March 17 revenue forecast presented by state chief economist Steve Lerch was positive – for the 2019-21 biennium, the forecast was increased by $1.34 billion and for the 2021-23 biennium it increased by nearly $1.95…
WSPTA asks for changes to “transpo fix” bill
Speaking with concerns about E2SSB 5128, the bill designed to preserve transportation funding despite reduced ridership this school year, parent advocate Heidi Bennett urged House Education Committee members to reject language that would require districts to use federal ESSER funds to backfill state funding rather than support student learning recovery programs. Listen to Heidi here.…
WSPTA Supports Graduation Flexibility
SHB 1162 would allow students to graduate with 20 credits, as long as the student had completed the 17 core credits and 3 personal pathways credits related to their high school and beyond plan. The bill also would create a new graduation pathway option – the performance exhibit. Michelle Nims voiced WSPTA support for the…
WSPTA Supports school-based health centers
Heidi Zamora had her testimony ready to go when SHB 1225 was heard in the House policy committee but, unfortunately, the committee ran out of time for all the speakers. She had a chance to dust it off and speak in favor of the Legislature adopting this bill, which would create a grant program to…