


March 21, 2022

PTA Advocacy is Year-round!

Advocacy is at the heart of the PTA mission! Does advocacy happen in Olympia when the legislature is in session? Yes! But that is not the only time or place because PTA advocacy is year-round. Advocacy is our most significant opportunity to positively impact our community and its future. To create a better world for…
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Category: Advocacy

March 14, 2022

2022 Focus on Advocacy – March 14 Report

Sine Die report Prepared by Marie Sullivan, WSPTA Legislative Consultant, The 2022 legislative session ended at 11:35 pm, Thursday, March 10. In a last dash to the finish line, the Legislature completed its work to pass supplemental operating, capital, and transportation budgets, as well as acting on many policy-level bills. Read the full report…
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Category: Advocacy

March 7, 2022

2022 Focus on Advocacy – March 7 Report

Into the home stretch Prepared by Marie Sullivan, WSPTA Legislative Consultant, The 60-day session is set to end by midnight, Thursday, March 10. Legislators appear to be on track to meet that deadline, with budget negotiations continuing through the weekend. Last week was a flurry of bill action and some late nights for both…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

March 4, 2022

Call to Action – SB 5078: Prevent and Reduce Gun Violence and Suicide

Dear Washington State PTA Member, Preventing gun violence and suicide is a top-five legislative issue for Washington State PTA. Deaths from suicide and firearms are preventable, and common-sense legislation is part of the answer. We can reduce the risk of mass shootings with appropriate restrictions on the ownership of the most-deadly weapons. Please customize and…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

February 28, 2022

2022 Focus on Advocacy – February 28 Report

Into the home stretch Prepared by Marie Sullivan, WSPTA Legislative Consultant, Last week saw the release of five 2022 supplemental budgets, all on Monday, February 21: the House and Senate operating budgets, House capital budget, and both House and Senate transportation budgets. While there are several similarities, the budgets took different approaches to some…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

February 25, 2022

WSPTA Provides Testimony to the House Capital Budget Committee

DaleAnn Baker is a professional engineer and parent advocate in the 10th legislative district. She’s also the author of the WSPTA-adopted position on school safety and emergency preparedness. Listen to DaleAnn’s thoughtful testimony here before the House Capital Budget Committee on February 25, 2022. The bill is scheduled for a vote on Monday, February 28.
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

February 24, 2022

WSPTA Testifies on Multiple Bills

On Tuesday, February 22, Advocacy Director Lizzy Sebring urged members of the Senate Ways and Means Committee to pass HB 1590, a bill that would stabilize state and local funding losses due to enrollment decline. Listen to Lizzy here. Funding was included in both the Senate and House budgets to support stabilization. Speaking in favor…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

February 22, 2022

WSPTA Testifies in Favor of E2SHB 1162

On Monday, February 21, past-president Michelle Nims spoke in favor of adding a performance exhibit as a graduation pathway to demonstrate proficiencies that align with the student’s High School and Beyond Plan. Listen to her testimony today in favor of E2SHB 1162 here.
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

February 21, 2022

2022 Focus on Advocacy – February 21 Report

It’s “budget release” week! Prepared by Marie Sullivan, WSPTA Legislative Consultant, Buoyed by another positive revenue forecast on February 16, lawmakers began releasing their budgets last week. It started last Thursday with the Senate 2022 supplemental capital budget, continued on Sunday with the Senate 2022 supplemental transportation budget, and culminated with releases of 2022…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

February 18, 2022

WSPTA Testifies in Support of HB 1611

Parent Rene Price shared with the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Committee her support for HB 1611, universal screening of students for highly capable programs. Listen here. Joining her on the panel was WSPTA Advocacy Committee member Austina deBonte. Listen to Austina here.
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative