


August 1, 2023

August Checklist for Councils Supporting Local PTAs

Welcome to the new PTA year! PTA’s fiscal year runs July 1 – June 30. Each month we will post monthly task lists for you to use that will help develop your calendar for the year. The dates listed reflect best practices. Ongoing Tasks Review the Standards of Affiliation Checklist. Offer support to local PTAs…
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Category: Leadership

June 5, 2023

June 2023 Programs Plug

Laura Peterson Hello fellow WSPTA volunteers,  I wanted to say thank you for all your help promoting and participating in our programs. The programs committee has dwindled down quite a bit so please consider signing up to help your new programs director, Betty, continue our work. Thank you to all my volunteers that did stick…
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Category: Leadership , Programs

May 31, 2023

Executive Director Annual Report

The last three years have been difficult, but the worst is behind us. The good news is we hit bottom and are heading up. We have much, much better times ahead of us.  Washington State PTA is a reasonably barebones operation. We have 4 employees at the office, support from a handful of contractors, and…
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Category: Leadership

April 14, 2023

April 2023 – Executive Director Message

Dear Members,  Those volunteer leaders who pay close attention to our newsletters may have noticed that we tried something new last fall and then did it again this month. Any ideas? Here’s a hint, it had to do with money. Give up? Fair enough. We published articles on resource development, better known among local and…
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Category: Leadership

February 28, 2023

March 2023 – Executive Director Message

Dear Members,  Those who have been on their annual treks to warmth and sunshine, know that there has been very little of it. Many vacation plans have gone awry with the storm that blew in off the Pacific coast. So much for big plans!  At a conference in 1957, President Eisenhower said, “Plans are worthless,…
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Category: Leadership

January 17, 2023

Call for Presenters for WSPTA Convention 2023

Have a program or practice that you want to share with others? Want to share your knowledge with a wide audience of state leaders? WSPTA is now seeking session proposals for Spring Conference 2023! The Spring Conference will be held in person May 6-7, 2023 in Bellevue. Any local, council, state, or outside organization presenter with a desire to present at the…
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Category: Leadership

January 17, 2023

January 2023 – Executive Director Message

Dear Members, What a difference a vacation makes! I love our holiday break. It is an opportunity for proper rest. So much of our little world also takes a break at the end of the year. We can return to PTA knowing that work has not accumulated much during our absence. That annual break always…
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Category: Leadership

November 1, 2022

November 2022 – Executive Director Message

Dear Members, I am grateful for the opportunity to serve Washington state’s children, youth, and families as a part of the PTA. Our members are passionate advocates for their children. They join their local PTA to improve their schools, connect with other families, and improve things for their children and youth.  I am grateful for…
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Category: Leadership

October 21, 2022

Tip of the Week – October 20

Easy Ways to be an Advocate Have you ever joined PTA, spoken to your child’s teacher, written a letter to the editor, attended a city council meeting, spoken to your school board, or spoken to any decision-maker? Then you are an advocate! An advocate is someone who speaks up for others. Good advocates share qualities…
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Category: Leadership