Ask WSPTA: Can a PTA sign up for a Venmo account?
Here’s a common question we receive in the inbox: Can our PTA set up a Venmo account for fundraising? For a long time, we highly discouraged the use of Venmo because it was not designed to work for nonprofits. Over the past couple years, Venmo has introduced a new version of its product that…
Attend National PTA’s LegCon Hill Day: March 5-7 in Alexandria, VA
National PTA’s Legislative Conference and Hill Day (LegCon Hill Day) will take place March 5-7, 2024 in Alexandria, VA. Learn from advocates across the country. Share PTA priorities with your members of Congress! Here’s the link to the National PTA website page with all the relevant information. Here’s the link to the Eventbrite page…
Individual State Awards – Nominate Someone Now!
Help to recognize leaders for their work in statewide service, advocacy, and teaching (including staff) by submitting a nomination! The all-in-one form for nominating leaders is now available on the WSPTA Application & Submission Portal and has been updated to make it easy and quick to apply. Visit this page for more information about all…
January Checklist for Running Your PTA
Ongoing Tasks Attend any board and membership meetings Read meeting minutes and offer corrections Prepare reports for board and membership meetings Get educated: take advantage of in-person and online training opportunities Be familiar with your responsibilities and fulfill them Review and ask questions about the monthly financial report Actively engage in a plan for membership…
January Checklist for Councils Supporting Local PTAs
January Monthly Tasks Continue assisting with items from the “Ongoing Tasks” list. Refer to the January Checklist for Running Your PTA. Reflections entries due to WSPTA by January 18 Councils can access the submission form here. Contact with questions. Remind local PTAs about the 1099-NEC due for independent contractors by January 31 For contractors you paid more than $600…
June 2023 Programs Plug
Laura Peterson Hello fellow WSPTA volunteers, I wanted to say thank you for all your help promoting and participating in our programs. The programs committee has dwindled down quite a bit so please consider signing up to help your new programs director, Betty, continue our work. Thank you to all my volunteers that did stick…
Call for Presenters for WSPTA Convention 2023
Have a program or practice that you want to share with others? Want to share your knowledge with a wide audience of state leaders? WSPTA is now seeking session proposals for Spring Conference 2023! The Spring Conference will be held in person May 6-7, 2023 in Bellevue. Any local, council, state, or outside organization presenter with a desire to present at the…