Call for Presenters for WSPTA Convention 2023
Have a program or practice that you want to share with others? Want to share your knowledge with a wide audience of state leaders? WSPTA is now seeking session proposals for Spring Conference 2023! The Spring Conference will be held in person May 6-7, 2023 in Bellevue. Any local, council, state, or outside organization presenter with a desire to present at the…
November 2022 – Executive Director Message
Dear Members, I am grateful for the opportunity to serve Washington state’s children, youth, and families as a part of the PTA. Our members are passionate advocates for their children. They join their local PTA to improve their schools, connect with other families, and improve things for their children and youth. I am grateful for…
Tip of the Week – October 20
Easy Ways to be an Advocate Have you ever joined PTA, spoken to your child’s teacher, written a letter to the editor, attended a city council meeting, spoken to your school board, or spoken to any decision-maker? Then you are an advocate! An advocate is someone who speaks up for others. Good advocates share qualities…
Tip of the week – October 13
Upcoming Deadline – Enter Members by October 31 The WSPTA Standards of Affiliation (SOA) requires PTAs to have 25 members entered in memberplanet by October 31, 2022, to remain in good standing. This date aligns with the end of the PTA membership year – this is the same date that all memberships sold for the 2021…
Council Spotlight – October 2022
Thank you to Renton PTA Council 9.11 for sharing the work of their council. We’re sure you will agree that this project aligns well with PTA’s mission! During this past summer, we applied for – and received – a $2,700 grant from the City of Renton’s Arts Commission, which we are using to provide signage…
Tip of the Week – October 6
PTA and Elections: Help Educate Your Members When it comes to elections, PTAs can help educate members on the issues that affect the health, education, and welfare of students. Here are three easy ideas for civic engagement all PTAs and councils can do: Candidate Forums– It’s not too late to hold an online candidate forum…
Tip of the Week – September 29
Setting Goals for Successful Membership Growth The best way to be successful with a project is to set a goal. For membership, it might be to increase your numbers by 50 members or by 15% for this year. A goal can help keep your PTA on track and moving forward. But, it is not enough…