As we near the end of the year, it is a great time for local leaders to review their PTA’s 2019-2020 Standards of Affiliation (SOA) Checklist Agreement. Your board of directors should review what your PTA has accomplished and what still needs to be done, report it to your membership and record it in your meeting minutes. Keep your completed SOA checklist and all relevant documentation with your legal documents or treasurer binder. Be aware that for many PTAs there may be a few key items that still need to be completed before the end of the fiscal year, including:
- Charitable solicitations filing (due to Secretary of State by May 31 each year);
**The Secretary of State Charities Division has announced an extension of this due date to July 31 for PTAs**
- Corporate renewal filing (month it is due is dependent on when your PTA was incorporated, due to Secretary of State by the last day of that month);
- Membership invoices need to be paid in full; and
- Start planning for your PTA’s year-end financial review.
As your PTA elects new officers and begins planning for 2020-21, be sure to include the SOA as a part of the transition process! Every elected board member is responsible for helping to ensure that their PTA is in compliance with all IRS, state, insurance, and PTA requirements—and it can be overwhelming. The SOA is a great tool that can be used to help orient and educate board members about what they need to do and when to do it.
Need help with your SOA? Reach out to your council leaders (if applicable) or region director for assistance. You can find contact information for your area leaders on the WSPTA website.