

June 6, 2019

June 2019 – WSPTA Executive Director Message

Dear Members,

It has been a busy month for us at the Washington State PTA office. After wrapping up the Convention we dived right into preparations for the various meetings and retreats we will be holding over the summer to prepare for the 2019-2020 year. New volunteer leaders will be forfeiting part of their summer to learn a bit, to plan a lot, and to be energized for the coming year. It will be great!

As you know, the Board of Directors changes on June 1. We will be saying goodbye to a fantastic group of volunteers who have served you well over the last two years. And, we will greet a new Board, preparing them for their two-year terms. I am very grateful for those Board members who are staying on, serving an additional term. I am really looking forward to working with this new Board.

With the changing of the guard comes new volunteer opportunities. I have always believed that the greatest benefit that any association offers is the chance to learn leadership skills in a safe place. In my experience, no one does it better than PTA. Keep an eye out for these volunteer opportunities. Through them, you will continue to receive world-class leadership training and experience in exchange for your time and energy. A bargain in anyone’s book!

Andrew L. Estep
WSPTA Executive Director

Category: Leadership

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