Ongoing Tasks
- Offer support to local PTAs who may be struggling with any of the SOA requirements.
- Encourage local PTAs in their membership campaigns.
- Work with your region director to support any local PTAs with fewer than 25 members.
- Work with your region director to support any local PTAs on the “no president list”.
- Remind local PTA leaders to pay their membership invoices promptly (encourage direct debit to simplify the process).
- Share training opportunities with local PTA leaders.
- Discuss the health of local PTAs in your council at board of directors’ meetings. What support do they want/need?
- Encourage local PTAs to keep their officer and key position contact information up to date on WSPTA membership database.
- Remind local PTAs to apply for a Membership Achievement Award (100% Membership and 100% Staff Membership) Applications are due March 14.
- Provide a mini-training or roundtable at council membership meeting addressing timely SOA requirements.
- Encourage local PTA leaders to read Leadership News and share information about other WSPTA newsletters.
- Remind local PTA leaders of important deadlines. (*see below)
- Remind local PTA leaders about the Corporate Annual Report deadline.
- At each council membership meeting, share the SOA items that your council has completed.
March Monthly Tasks
- Continue assisting with items from the “Ongoing Tasks”.
- Share information regarding budgets, budget committees, and best practice of membership approval of the budget before the end of the fiscal year.
- Share election processes – encourage elections before the end of the fiscal year.
- Encourage election of nominating committee.
- Share upcoming trainings prior to WSPTA Convention that fulfill SOA requirements.
- Make plans to attend WSPTA Convention and Annual Meeting – Choose your delegates as provided for in your PTA’s standing rules.
*Due March 13:
Apply for one or multiple WSPTA Awards of Excellence
Encourage your leaders to participate in WSPTA’s Leadership Service Award
*Due March 14:
Encourage local PTAs to apply for a WSPTA Membership Achievement Award- as councils aren’t eligible for the 100% staff or membership award.