For those PTAs that use memberplanet’s communication tools to send text messages to members, please note memberplanet is updating how that feature will work moving forward:
“Recently, all major US mobile phone carriers have created a new regulation (A2P 10DLC) that has changed the way bulk text messages are sent. Due to these changes, groups will now need to register to send out text messages. This will have a one-time registration fee of $50, and a maintenance cost of $15 per month. *This is entirely optional, and only required if the units wish to send text messages.* With this plan, units will receive a dedicated phone number to send their group texts from, and they will be able to request the area code for that number with their registration.”
Any PTA that would like to proceed with the new text messaging system should complete and submit a payment using the Text Messaging Registration Form. Once registration is completed, it can take up to two months for the registration to be approved by memberplanet’s third party texting provider. Once approved, memberplanet will provide the PTA with its dedicated texting number.