Nancy Chamberlain testifying on sufficient, sustainable, and equitable education funding.
OLYMPIA – March 27 – WSPTA volunteer and mother of two, Dr. Nancy Chamberlain, testified in front of the House Appropriations Committee on HB 1067, which focuses on the 2017-19 fiscal biennium operating appropriations. She explained the mission of Washington State PTA and the vision of an education system that addresses the ‘whole child.’
“In which family and community engagement coordinators, guidance counselors, nurses, social workers, psychologists, behavioral health specialists are funded at EVERY school. In which professional educators and para-educators are valued and paid a competitive salary and have reasonable class sizes. In which all students are given the resources they need to reach their highest potential; including English Language Learners (ELL), students in poverty, special education, career and technical education (CTE), and highly capable students.”
Nancy stated that to achieve this mission state funding solutions need to be from progressive revenue sources that are sufficient, sustainable, and equitable. Watch Nancy’s full testimony here.