

October 31, 2023

November Checklist for Running Your PTA

Ongoing Tasks

  • Attend any board and membership meetings
  • Read meeting minutes and offer corrections
  • Prepare reports for board and membership meetings
  • Get educated: take advantage of in-person and online training opportunities
  • Be familiar with your responsibilities and fulfill them
  • Review and ask questions about the monthly financial report
  • Actively engage in a plan for membership growth
  • Prepare articles for newsletter and social media
  • Review and update your website
  • Participate, help, and communicate
  • Review the Standards of Affiliation Checklist

Monthly Tasks

Insurance payments due

IRS filings (990 or 990EZ or postcard) due November 15. Please note that these forms can only be filed electronically. See Leadership Resources for additional information and instructions.

Elect nominating committee at a membership meeting if not previously done
When elected, update the committee materials/notebook and schedule an overview meeting with the committee.

WSPTA resolution proposals due November 15
Resolutions may be submitted for consideration two times each year, once at the legislative assembly in the fall and again at the convention in the spring. The deadline for submitting a proposal for consideration at the convention is November 30. (The title and rough outline are due November 30).
Email the draft resolution title to the resolutions committee chair by November 1, 2023, and complete the submissions process as outlined on the resolutions webpage by noon on November 15, 2023.

WSPTA Awards of Excellence
Consider what WSPTA Awards of Excellence your PTA is interested in applying for this year and assign responsibilities for who will be filling out the application(s), collecting the supporting documents, and submitting by March 14.

Was your PTA Incorporated in November? If so, then your annual Corporation Renewal is due on 11/30. The annual corporation is due regardless of the income you bring in and is separate from the Charitable Organization Registration/ Renewal.

(originally posted October 30, 2018; revised October 31, 2019; revised October 28, 2020; revised November 1, 2021; revised November 1, 2022; revised October 31, 2023)

Category: Leadership

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