Ongoing Tasks
- Attend board and membership meetings
- Read meeting minutes and offer corrections
- Prepare reports for board and membership meetings
- Get educated: take advantage of in-person and online training opportunities
- Be familiar with your responsibilities and fulfill them
- Review and ask questions about the monthly financial report
- Actively engage in a plan for membership growth
- Prepare content for newsletters and social media
- Review and update your website
- Participate, help, and communicate
- Review the Standards of Affiliation Checklist
Monthly Tasks
Review tasks related to nominating committee
If you did not elect a nominating committee in September, be prepared to do this at your next membership meeting.
Attend WSPTA Legislative Assembly
The delegate identification period ends on October 12. For identified delegates to participate with voice and vote they must register by October 6. Registration closes at noon on October 5 for any member wishing to attend. Report back to members at the next meeting.
Reflections Theme Search Contest
Remind your members that the deadline for student’s to submit an entry into the Reflections Theme Search Contest is November 1. Learn more information here. Submit an entry here.
Complete all board training by end of the month
Update the Standards of Affiliation Agreement Checklist with details.
To be in good standing, at least 25 members must be entered in memberplanet by October 31
Keep working on the membership database (memberplanet)
Check National PTA website
There are a ton of great materials to use in your membership campaign. Local leader resources. Spanish resources. Diversity, equity, and inclusion resources. In addition to grant and program opportunities.
Was your PTA Incorporated in October? If so, then your annual Corporation Renewal is due on October 31. The annual corporation report is due regardless of your PTA’s annual income and is separate from the Charitable Organization Registration/ Renewal.
(originally posted September 25, 2018; revised October 1, 2019; revised September 30, 2020; revised September 29, 2021; revised September 27, 2022; revised October 2, 2023)