Take Action: Ask U.S. Senators Murray and Cantwell to Increase Funding for Statewide Family Engagement Centers
Contact U.S. Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell today to request robust funding for the FY2022 Statewide Family Engagement Centers(SFEC) program. Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) and Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) are currently circulating a bipartisan letter internally through the Senate, asking representatives to join them in seeking robust funding for the program. The FY2021 level…
Community, Advocacy, and Membership
Synergy. Powered by PTA. Imagine your PTA as a triangle with Membership, Advocacy, and FACE (Family And Community Engagement) at each of its corners. Imagine all the results of having a PTA at your school or in your community are within the triangle. Now, if one of the points of the triangle didn’t exist, you…
Family and Community Engagement During This Time of COVID-19
Guest Post Provided by Judy East, WSPTA Family and Community Engagement Committee member COVID-19 has infiltrated every aspect of our lives. Daily routines interrupted. Shopping is a daily adventure now. Trips canceled. And our children are with us all the time as “social distancing” doesn’t include our own kids, sadly. (Only kidding…mostly!) Our PTA lives…
Family Engagement
Double Parent Testimony for Family Engagement and Social Emotional Learning
Jessica Garcia testifies in support of SHB 1618: Engagement Coordinators Bellevue parent, Jessica Garcia, reprised her testimony in support of the family and community engagement bill, SHB 1618, March 30, but this time with the Senate budget committee. Jessica shared the difference a person equivalent to the FACE coordinator defined in the bill helped the…
Northshore WSPTA Volunteer Testifies on 2017-19 Biennium Budget
Nancy Chamberlain testifying on sufficient, sustainable, and equitable education funding. OLYMPIA – March 27 – WSPTA volunteer and mother of two, Dr. Nancy Chamberlain, testified in front of the House Appropriations Committee on HB 1067, which focuses on the 2017-19 fiscal biennium operating appropriations. She explained the mission of Washington State PTA and the vision of…
WSPTA Region 2 FACE Chair Testimony
Thursday, March 16 – During the afternoon Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee public hearing, Jessica Garcia, WSPTA Region 2 Family and Community Engagement Chair/Bellevue PTSA Council President, testified in favor of SHB 1618 (family engagement coordinators). Ms. Garcia spoke with passion about her first-hand experience with family engagement and the great importance it…
Family Engagement
Levy Cliff Bill Causes Flurry of Last Minute Activity
In a surprise move March 8 before the 5 p.m. deadline, Senate Republicans brought a bill that would extend current local district levy authority through January 1, 2019. The expanded levy authority and linked levy equalization was put in place in the 2010 session, with the thought that the Legislature would have fully funded K-12…
Legislative Session; Week 9
Education (House) – HHR A, JLOB – 3/13 @ 1:30pm SSB 5241 – Public Hearing – Concerning the educational success of youth who are homeless or in foster care. Capital Budget (House) – HHR B, JLOB – 3/14 @ 3:30pm ESSB 5702 – Public Hearing – Improving state funding for school construction, modernization, and asset…
WSPTA FACE Director Testifies in Favor of Governor Inslee’s Proposed Education Budget

Judy East, WSPTA Family and Community Engagement Director, testified Monday in the House Appropriations Committee in support of Governor Inslee’s proposed operating budget. In particular, Judy said: “This budget addresses many of the important elements of WSPTA’s two-year platform, as voted on by our membership. These include: A focus on social and emotional health with…
WSPTA FACE Director Testifies in Favor of Governor Inslee’s Proposed Education Budget
Judy East, WSPTA FACE Director, testifying in Olympia Judy East, WSPTA Family and Community Engagement Director, testified Monday in the House Appropriations Committee in support of Governor Inslee’s proposed operating budget. In particular, Judy said: “This budget addresses many of the important elements of WSPTA’s two-year platform, as voted on by our membership. These include:…