WSPTA Testifies in Support of HB 1611
Parent Rene Price shared with the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Committee her support for HB 1611, universal screening of students for highly capable programs. Listen here. Joining her on the panel was WSPTA Advocacy Committee member Austina deBonte. Listen to Austina here.
Call to Action: Equity in the Identifying of Highly Capable Students
Dear Washington State PTA member, Highly Capable programs across the state do not currently reflect the demographic makeup of the communities in which they reside. Children in poverty and from minority groups are 2.5 less likely to be identified for, and in, highly capable programs. We are asking you to contact your legislators with the…
Northshore WSPTA Volunteer Testifies on 2017-19 Biennium Budget
Nancy Chamberlain testifying on sufficient, sustainable, and equitable education funding. OLYMPIA – March 27 – WSPTA volunteer and mother of two, Dr. Nancy Chamberlain, testified in front of the House Appropriations Committee on HB 1067, which focuses on the 2017-19 fiscal biennium operating appropriations. She explained the mission of Washington State PTA and the vision of…