Central Kitsap High PTSA One of Five Nationally to Earn NPTA Flash Funding
Congratulations to Central Kitsap High School PTSA 1.3.50 in Silverdale for being one of five PTAs across the country to receive “flash funding” from National PTA. GoFundMe enabled the local PTAs to receive the surprise funding during PTA Teacher Appreciation Week after reviewing narratives from a number of PTAs. Congratulations especially to Principal Stephen Coons…
Inslee calls 3rd special session, tells legislature it’s time to get their work done
Wednesday, June 21st marked the end of the 2nd special session and the start of the 3rd special session. Governor Inslee called the third special session, clearly frustrated with the lack of progress. Under intense media questioning, Inslee said that he would veto a 30-day budget bill if one came to his desk. “The differences…
Question of the Week 6/8/17
From Leadership News issue June 8, 2017. Question We are beginning to put together materials for our new incoming board and we are wondering when the 2017-2018 leadership materials will be available. Is there a way to be notified when they go up? Answer Thank you for your great and timely question! In previous years,…
2016-17 PTA End-of-Year Process
At the end of every fiscal year (July – June), each PTA is required to close-out their PT Avenue membership database year by completing the end of year (EOY) process. The PT Avenue EOY process is a simple step-by-step automated process which saves the final member and board rosters, and updates member, student, board, helper, and administrator records.…
Op-Ed Article by Representatives Dolan and Stonier
Here is an informative op-ed piece (Seattle Times) from two state representatives, Dolan and Stonier, that supports WSPTA’s Resolution 18.13, which states no single factor should determine a student’s advancement such as graduation from high school. HB 1046, the bill that has passed the state House three times by a wide bipartisan margin, would still require the…
June Checklist for Running Your PTA
To run a successful PTA, it is advised to use the below information to help run a healthy and organized PTA. Ongoing Tasks to be Completed Each Month Attend board and membership meetings Read meeting minutes and offer corrections Prepare reports in a timely manner Attend training(s) Be familiar with your responsibilities and fulfill them…
Washington State PTA Announces Newly Installed Board of Directors
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Kathryn Hobbs Washington State PTA (253) 214-7410 www.wastatepta.org WASHINGTON STATE PTA ANNOUNCES NEWLY INSTALLED BOARD OF DIRECTORS Board of directors to meet for 1st board meeting. Tacoma, WA (June 1, 2017): The Washington State PTA (WSPTA), the oldest and largest grassroots child advocacy association in Washington state, announced the 2017-2019 board of…
Office of Financial Management K-12 Education Funding Comparison
Below is a side-by-side summary, from the Office of Financial Management (OFM), of the different McCleary proposals. This is a simplified look at the proposals—it is not comprehensive nor does it have all the details of each plan. The second document below is a look at the dollars based on the state fiscal year. For a district…
WSPTA Seeking Members to Fill Leadership Roles

As the largest volunteer organization in the state, the Washington State PTA (WSPTA) has many opportunities for members to volunteer, lead, engage, and contribute. Every community has available talent and resources that will benefit the PTA and, in turn, the students. People are more supportive of public education when asked to share some of their time as…
Action Alert for House Bill 1046
On behalf of the Legislative Committee, we are asking you to use the message below to contact your state senator in support of House Bill 1046. HB 1046 would continue the practice of using statewide high school assessments in English Language Arts, Math, and Science for federal accountability purposes, but would remove the requirement to…