


February 10, 2021

WSPTA Advocates for Choice in Social Studies Courses

Given only one minute to testify, WSPTA member Brian Duncan asked House Education Committee members to carefully consider HB 1396, which would limit student choice regarding social studies courses. Written testimony was also submitted. Hear Brian’s remarks here. Parent members who had signed in to speak on HB 1404 (highly capable students) and HB 1444…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

February 9, 2021

WSPTA Testifies: Measure to lower passing bonds to 55% gets hearing

The Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee heard SB 5386 and SJR 8204, a policy bill and constitutional amendment request that would lower the threshold to pass bond measures to 55 percent. Michelle Nims, former WSPTA president, testified in support of a simple majority for bonds, sharing a personal story on the Everett School…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

February 9, 2021

WSPTA Speaks on Digital Equity

Washington State PTA continues to testify in favor of solutions that bridge the digital divide and lead to improved and equitable access to broadband infrastructure. Hear Nancy Chamberlain testify on HB 1460 in the House Finance Committee. Legislators have several competing ideas on broadband solutions; WSPTA will continue to monitor and speak out for students…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

February 8, 2021

WSPTA seeks amendment to benefit parents and students on College in the High School

HB 1302 would allow 9th graders to earn college credit for taking a College in the High School course. Currently, 9th graders may take the course but aren’t eligible to earn college credit. This bill would change this. After reviewing, WSPTA decided to ask for two amendments to strengthen the bill regarding notification, clear guidance…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

February 8, 2021

2021 Focus on Advocacy – February 8 Report

Cutoff week expected to be a busy one Prepared by Marie Sullivan, WSPTA Legislative Consultant, This week is expected to be quite busy, as policy committees schedule bills for public hearings and votes in advance of the February 15 deadline for bills to be out of policy committees. Friday marks the last day for…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

February 3, 2021

WSPTA Weighs in on Universal Broadband – Part 2

Sharing WSPTA’s digital equity position adopted last October at the Legislative Assembly, Nancy Chamberlain addressed the Senate Environment, Energy & Technology Committee February 3 on SB 5383, a bill that would authorize public utilities and ports with retail sales for broadband, but only after a private company does not object to the expansion project. Chamberlain…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

February 3, 2021

WSPTA Testifies: Computers are like books; should be basic education

The pandemic exposed what many parents and students already knew – that digital equity was not universal across our state and school districts. Speaking in favor of HB 1450, Northshore parent Nancy Chamberlain asked House Education Committee members to think of computers and digital devices like books – they are today’s basic education, said Chamberlain.…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

February 3, 2021

WSPTA Supports Access to Mental Health Resources

Tanya Aggar, a parent in the 41st legislative district, testified before the House Education Committee on February 2, asking members to pass HB 1373 and to add an amendment to include a website for safe storage of firearms. The bill would direct school districts to make several national mental health webpages available on the school…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

February 1, 2021

WSPTA Supports Bill To Establish Youth Suicide Review Team

Sharing her personal experience with youth suicide, WSPTA member Melissa Kline spoke in favor of HB 1354, a bill that would create a Washington Youth Suicide Review Team to review the circumstances related to suicides occurring among youth up to age 24. Kline asked the House Children, Youth & Families Committee to consider an amendment…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

February 1, 2021

WSPTA Speaks Out Against Gun Violence

SB 5078 would enact limits to high-capacity magazines in an effort to reduce gun violence. Hear Gwen Loosmore, a Mercer Island parent, represent WSPTA on this important bill. Modeling WSPTA best practices to leave them with a few keywords, Dr. Loosmore ends with, “The whole point of high-capacity magazines is to allow the gun to…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative