


April 7, 2021

April 2021 – Executive Director Message

Dear Members, Spring is the busiest time of the year for the Washington State PTA staff. We are deep into our planning for the annual convention, our biggest event of the year. We also are busy preparing for the leadership transition as volunteer leaders complete their terms, wrap up their records, and prepare their successors.…
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Category: Leadership

March 3, 2021

March 2021 – Executive Director Message

Dear Members, The crocuses are up, the daffodils are about to blossom, and the tulip plants are at half-height! Spring is such a wonderful time of year. Our world is renewing, giving us hope for a warmer, brighter tomorrow. Hope has been on my mind quite a bit lately. As we rapidly approach a year…
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Category: Leadership

February 1, 2021

February 2021 – Executive Director Message

Dear Members, As a life-long learner, I am always taking courses, reading books, and otherwise trying to develop my talents and hone my skills. A few years ago, I took a couple of online courses in executive leadership. At the time, I wanted to learn more about what it meant to be an “executive.” I…
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Category: Leadership

January 12, 2021

Transparency and Engagement with Meeting Summaries

Governance. Powered by PTA. PTAs strive to involve their members and communities in the work of PTA and often post meeting minutes online to be transparent and increase engagement. Unfortunately, posting meeting minutes is risky. Instead, encourage PTAs to post meeting summaries online! What is the difference between meeting minutes and a meeting summary? Minutes are a…
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Category: Leadership

January 1, 2021

January 2021 – Executive Director Message

Dear Members, I love the new year. That was not always the case. In my youth, when my life was focused on science and mathematics, I thought that all of the falderal around the new year was just silly. Didn’t people understand how the calendar works, that it is all just arbitrary? The year just…
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Category: Leadership