Welcome to WSPTACon2022
Dear PTA leaders and members, Planning is underway for WSPTACon2022 and I am excited to share some of the details! There will be more to come on our website and in newsletters sent to registrants. We are thrilled to return in-person this year at the Lynwood Convention Center, May 20-22, 2022! However, we realize that…
Tip of the Week – March 10
What Does a Budget Committee Do? As your PTA’s treasurer and chair of the budget committee, you’ll want to start developing next year’s (July 1 -June 30) budget soon. Who should you ask to join you? Good choices are often the incoming president and treasurer, and outgoing president because they understand the past and future…
Council Spotlight – March 2022
Thank you to Everett PTSA Council 7.3 for sharing their District Impact Report highlighting the many contributions their local PTAs had in their school communities! Keep reading to learn more about this annual project which demonstrates the value of PTA. Each Autumn, our Everett PTSA Council 7.3 team uses End-Of-Year Financial Report data and program/event…
Tip of the Week – February 24
3 Considerations When Applying for the Leadership Service Award The Leadership Service Award program (formerly known as the Leadership Academy program) was created to honor and acknowledge PTA leaders across the state. Not sure this is really worth your time and effort? Here are some things you might consider: Being acknowledged for the extremely important…
Tip of the Week – February 17
4 Reasons Why Recognition is Important Awards of Excellence. You have put such hard work into the communications, programs, meetings, etc. for your PTA. Some PTAs are still struggling. By applying for one of these awards, you are sharing your lessons learned, programs that work, ways to conduct business, and so much more. Applying for…
Tip of the Week – February 10
Fast Approaching! Final PTA and the Law Opportunity for the Year Each PTA is required to do certain things as part of the standards of affiliation. Item number 11 is about the annual training requirement. It says: “Annually, at least one elected officer attends PTA and the Law, and all other elected officers attend at…
Tip of the Week – February 3
Make sure your local PTA or council’s nominating committee is elected and up and running The nominating committee is arguably the most important committee for your PTA. The committee’s charge, to select candidates to fill officer positions, is key to the success and sustainability of your PTA. Committee members must maintain confidentiality and work to…
Council Spotlight – February 2022
This month we want to spotlight some of the work we’ve seen councils doing across the state with regards to bond and levy campaigns. If January wasn’t busy enough for council leaders, many of you have school districts with bond and levies on the February 8 ballot. Sharing informational posts, promoting civic engagement, attending local…
Tip of the Week – January 27
Membership Awards – Don’t Miss Out There are two types of membership awards – membership growth awards and membership achievement awards. Membership growth awards are automatically calculated and awarded to PTAs that reach the required criteria levels for bronze, silver, gold or platinum recognition. Your PTA has already done the important work of gaining the…