The Shape of Our Families
We all know that families come in many shapes and sizes. Some families are large, with lots of children. Some are small. Some families have one parent, some have several parents. Some families are headed by grandparents or foster parents, two moms, two dads. Some families have welcomed adopted children or foster children in addition…
Family Engagement
Kids and Screens: An Invitation to Learn More
Guest post provided by Sponsor, Recovery Café Technology can be used to enrich our lives, and it also creates challenges. For many children, cultivating healthy boundaries and limits to technology use at an early age will help prevent the development of addictive screen use. Our increased reliance on and general integration of the internet has…
2021/22 Movie License Details
Note: The deadline has been extended until Friday, October 22, 2021. Act now! Swank Movie Licensing USA is excited to continue our partnership with the Washington State PTA to bring movie licensing to WSPTA member schools at significant savings. We realize schools are facing obstacles during these uncertain times as they plan for activities and fundraising…
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion: How to Make Your PTA a Welcome Place for Every Parent
Guest post provided by Platinum Sponsor, Association Insurance Management Inc (AIM) As our communities become more diverse, we should take extra care to ensure our PTAs are an open and welcoming place for all parents. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are necessary components for continued group success. The benefits of creating an inviting environment only further…
Family Engagement
7 Things You Need to Know About Recording and Live-Streaming
With many PTA meetings now held via an electronic platform, PTA leaders would like to know whether PTAs have the option to record meetings and provide the link to those who were unable to attend. There are also PTAs considering the practice of live-streaming meetings on platforms like Facebook. Live streaming and recording meetings and…
Board Retreats
Taking the time to organize and hold a board retreat helps put your new PTA board on the same ship sailing for the same destination of success. Gathering leaders over break can infuse enthusiasm in the incoming board, giving them an opportunity to get to know one another and to think about their positions for…
Take Action: Ask U.S. Senators Murray and Cantwell to Increase Funding for Statewide Family Engagement Centers
Contact U.S. Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell today to request robust funding for the FY2022 Statewide Family Engagement Centers(SFEC) program. Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) and Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) are currently circulating a bipartisan letter internally through the Senate, asking representatives to join them in seeking robust funding for the program. The FY2021 level…