


June 28, 2019

2019 Legislative Session End of Session Report

Prepared for the Washington State PTA By Legislative Consultant Marie Sullivan Legislature ends session on time, passes $52.4 billion operating budget For the first time since 2009, the Washington State Legislature ended a 105-day budget session on time with just minutes to spare. This was the second year in a row, however, for lawmakers to…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

June 6, 2019

June 2019 – WSPTA Executive Director Message

Dear Members, It has been a busy month for us at the Washington State PTA office. After wrapping up the Convention we dived right into preparations for the various meetings and retreats we will be holding over the summer to prepare for the 2019-2020 year. New volunteer leaders will be forfeiting part of their summer…
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Category: Leadership

June 4, 2019

Washington State PTA Announces Newly Installed Board of Directors for 2019-2021 Term

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Andrew Estep Washington State PTA (253) 214-7410 WASHINGTON STATE PTA ANNOUNCES NEWLY INSTALLED BOARD OF DIRECTORS Board of directors to meet for strategic planning session. Tacoma, WA (June 1, 2019): The Washington State PTA (WSPTA), the oldest and largest grassroots child advocacy association in Washington state, announced the 2019-2021 board of…
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Category: Leadership

May 8, 2019

May 2019 – WSPTA Executive Director Message

Dear Members, The following is derived from my Executive Director Remarks to the membership at the Convention on April 28, 2019. Thank you, President Michelle Nims and the entire Board of Directors, for hiring me. Being the Executive Director of the Washington State PTA is an incredible privilege and I am filled with gratitude at…
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Category: Leadership

May 1, 2019

2019 WSPTA Convention Wrap-up

On behalf of your Washington State PTA board of directors, thank you to everyone who attended the 106th Annual WSPTA Convention this past weekend. We learned a lot, laughed a lot, and danced a lot, so thank you for joining us! If you were not able to attend this year’s convention, here is a recap…
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Category: Events

April 29, 2019

2019 Legislative Session Ends on Time – Sine Die!

Prepared by Marie Sullivan, WSPTA Legislative Consultant, Moments before midnight, it all came together – miraculously! The Senate concurred with the House changes to SB 5313; passed HB 2163, the hold harmless bill, by a margin of 41-7(!), and passed an operating budget in record time. The House also rapidly passed an operating budget and…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

April 24, 2019

Is Your PTA a Clique?

Sometimes, the reason more people don’t join your PTA is because they feel unwelcome. Whether warranted or not, your PTA may have a reputation as a clique. Overcoming this common issue can be challenging because it requires the focus and commitment of your group as a whole. The first obstacle to overcome – and the…
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Category: Membership

April 24, 2019

Call to Action – Increase the Levy Authority

Dear Washington State PTA member, Please contact your legislators and help advocate to increase funding to support the Washington State PTA’s top 5 issue “Strategic K-12 Investments to Close Gaps”. Too many districts are facing huge shortfalls which penalize students and especially those most at risk. Click here to participate through The Action Network. You can…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative