Testimony on SB 5315 and SB 5317
Northshore parent Robin Zaback testified on behalf of WSPTA January 30, 2019, in support of SB 5315, which would increase the ratios of nurses, social workers, guidance counselors and school psychologists in schools, starting with districts above 50% eligibility of students in the Free or Reduced Price Meals program. Robin asked for one change –…
WSPTA Members Testify on Dual Credits and Early Learning
On January 29 two WSPTA members testified. Seattle PTSA Council member Heidi Bennett testifiedin the Senate Higher Education & Workforce Development Committee in support of SB 5410, a bill that would increase predictability for students seeking college-awarded credits through IB and Cambridge courses when certain scores are hit on the exams. Sylvia Gil from the…
WSPTA Testifies on HB 1384 Regarding High Poverty LAP Funding
On January 28, 2019, WSPTA Advocacy Director Nancy Chamberlain testified in strong support of HB 1384, which would lower the threshold for schools to qualify for High Poverty Learning Assistance Program funding, from 50% free and reduced lunch program (FRLP) participation to the statewide average for FRLP (approx. 43%). This change would give additional funding…
WSPTA Testifies on Enrichment Levies and Special Education Funding
On Wednesday, January 23, 2019, following a work session K-12 and special education funding, WSPTA Advocacy Director Nancy Chamberlain testified on three bills related to making changes to local school district enrichment levies (SB 5313, SB 5316, and SB 5466). She also testified on two bills making changes to how school districts would be reimbursed…
WSPTA Testifies on SB 5014, SB 5548 and SB 5146
On Friday, January 25, WSPTA President Michelle Nims gave testimony on three separate bills in front of the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee (click here for the full text). For SB 5014, she spoke in support of the bill which would delink state assessments from high school graduation requirements and shared stories. President…
2019 Legislative Session – Week 3
Senate discusses levies, special education, health benefits, assessments Prepared by Marie Sullivan, WSPTA Legislative Consultant, legconsultant@wastatepta.org The Senate Ways & Means Committee kicked off the week with a work session on K-12 finance, changes to local levies, and special education funding. Segments are worth watching, and include OSPI, a school district panel of Seattle, Davenport…
WSPTA Testimony on HB 1139 regarding the teacher shortage
On January 24, 2019, Jen Flood, the advocacy chair for the Mercer Island Council PTA testified in favor of HB 1139 to the House Education Committee. HB 1139, Expanding the Current and Future Educator Workforce Supply, aligns with one of our top five legislative priorities, “Strategies to Address the Teacher Shortage,” as voted on by…
2019 Legislative Session – Week 2
66th Legislature kicks off with fast pace, bill hearings Prepared by Marie Sullivan, WSPTA Legislative Consultant, legconsultant@wastatepta.org As mentioned last week, it was clear the 2019 105-day session was going to be unusual, with nearly 300 bills introduced by the first day and some 750 bills by the end of the week. Budget committees started…
WSPTA Testifies on SB 5057 – Friday, January 18, 2019
On Friday, January 18, 2019, Corina Pfeil of Kenmore, WA testified on behalf of WSPTA in the Senate Health and Long Term Care Committee in support of SB 5057, which would raise the age for sale of tobacco and electronic nicotine delivery systems (vaping devices) to 21.
WSPTA testifies on HB 1010 and SB 5153 – January 15, 2019
On Tuesday, January 15, 2019, two WSPTA members journeyed to Olympia on behalf of the children of Washington state. Dr. Gwen Loosmoore of Mercer Island addressed the House Civil Rights and Judiciary Committee on HB 1010 concerning the disposition of forfeited firearms by the Washington state patrol. Dr. Loosmoore shared that Gun Violence Prevention as…