March Checklist for Running Your PTA
Ongoing Tasks Attend any board and membership meetings Read meeting minutes and offer corrections Prepare reports for board and membership meetings Get educated: take advantage of in-person and online training opportunities Be familiar with your responsibilities and fulfill them Review and ask questions about the monthly financial report Actively engage in a plan for membership…
March Checklist for Councils Supporting Local PTAs
Ongoing Tasks Offer support to local PTAs who may be struggling with any of the SOA requirements. Encourage local PTAs in their membership campaigns. Work with your region director to support any local PTAs with fewer than 25 members. Work with your region director to support any local PTAs on the “no president list”. Remind…
WSPTA Awards of Excellence March 13 Deadline Approaches
All WSPTA Awards of Excellence are due March 13th. PTAs in Washington State are doing amazing things and WSPTA wants to see what you are doing and recognize your PTA for doing them. WSPTA Awards of Excellence are easy to apply for. Click here to learn more. Click here to apply. Categories include: Advocacy Award…
Learn More About the Community Your PTA Serves
PTA represents parents, caregivers, educators and communities of all children, which enables us to best achieve PTA’s mission to make every child’s potential a reality. Our collective backgrounds, perspectives and ideas allow us to create the strongest future and direction for PTA. To more effectively serve ALL children and families, we need to understand who…
February Checklist for Councils Supporting Local PTAs
February Monthly Tasks Continue assisting with items from the “Ongoing Tasks” list. Refer to the February Checklist for Running Your PTA. Encourage leaders to subscribe to the WSPTA Action Alerts to participate in timely action alerts with updates on the ongoing legislative session. Remind local leaders of the February 13 submission deadline for student programs (WSPTA…
February Checklist for Running Your PTA
Ongoing Tasks Attend any board and membership meetings Read meeting minutes and offer corrections Prepare reports for board and membership meetings Get educated: take advantage of in-person and online training opportunities Be familiar with your responsibilities and fulfill them Review and ask questions about monthly financial report Actively engage in a plan for membership growth…
January Checklist for Running Your PTA
Ongoing Tasks Attend any board and membership meetings Read meeting minutes and offer corrections Prepare reports for board and membership meetings Get educated: take advantage of in-person and online training opportunities Be familiar with your responsibilities and fulfill them Review and ask questions about the monthly financial report Actively engage in a plan for membership…
January Checklist for Councils Supporting Local PTAs
January Monthly Tasks Continue assisting with items from the “Ongoing Tasks” list. Refer to the January Checklist for Running Your PTA. Reflections entries due to WSPTA by January 15 Councils can access the submission form here. Contact with questions. Remind local PTAs about the 1099-NEC due for independent contractors by January 31 For contractors you paid more than $600…
December Checklist for Running Your PTA
Ongoing Tasks Attend any board and membership meetings Read meeting minutes and offer corrections Prepare reports for board and membership meetings Get educated: take advantage of in-person and online training opportunities Be familiar with your responsibilities and fulfill them Review and ask questions about the monthly financial report Actively engage in a plan for membership…
Ask WSPTA: What are the best practices when changing banks?
Here’s a question that pops up from time to time. Sometimes a PTA finds that their current financial institution isn’t serving them well, so leadership begins to consider a change. What should these leaders consider as they weigh a change? We don’t have a set guide for picking your financial institution, so we’ll cover some…