Not That Kind of Fishing
A phishing email is a bogus email with harmful intent carefully designed to look like a legitimate request (or attached file) from a site or person you trust. Its purpose is to get you to give up confidential personal information or download something containing a virus. The first thing to ask yourself is, “Do I…
Transparency and Engagement with Meeting Summaries
Governance. Powered by PTA. PTAs strive to involve their members and communities in the work of PTA and often post meeting minutes online to be transparent and increase engagement. Unfortunately, posting meeting minutes is risky. Instead, encourage PTAs to post meeting summaries online! What is the difference between meeting minutes and a meeting summary? Minutes are a…
Five Key Resources for Council Leaders
Have you visited WSPTA’s online leader resources? The WSPTA website, under the “PTA Leaders” tab, has a variety of resources to help councils educate and support local PTAs. The “Leadership Guides” page has been recently reorganized to help you find what you need faster than ever. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Contact us to suggest…
Seven Actions for Council Advocacy
Councils play a critical role in encouraging and mobilizing advocates for children and youth. Here are seven steps for councils to support and grow community advocacy. Learn about WSPTA’s Top 5 Legislative Priorities (and also supported issues) for 2020 – 2021 and encourage local leaders to sign up for Action Alerts. These legislative priorities have…