Changes to WSPTA Uniform Bylaws
The WSPTA Uniform Bylaws is a contract between our members and WSPTA and local PTAs for how our associations are run. Our members have the authority to change the WSPTA Uniform Bylaws at the annual meeting that takes place during the WSPTA Convention. Since it is important that the WSPTA Uniform Bylaws do not conflict…
Can PTAs require COVID-19 vaccination to participate in meetings and events?
This fall, our back-to-school season has been exciting and – well, different! PTAs are contending with new state and school district rules on masking and vaccine requirements for volunteers. PTA leaders have many questions about what PTAs can or must do with respect to the public health guidance, executive orders and school district policies. Health…
Board Retreats
Taking the time to organize and hold a board retreat helps put your new PTA board on the same ship sailing for the same destination of success. Gathering leaders over break can infuse enthusiasm in the incoming board, giving them an opportunity to get to know one another and to think about their positions for…
What should a PTA do if they have been unable to recruit and elect new officers this spring?
This has been a stressful year for families, and it may take some extra time to identify and elect a new board of directors. One question to ask is whether the current board can continue to take responsibility for the PTA until an election can take place? WSPTA Uniform Bylaws (Article 5, Section 6 B)…
Council Financial Reviews
The council financial review is more than just a requirement to be checked off a list – it is an opportunity! The council’s financial review is a chance to involve local PTA members in the work of the council with a short volunteer opportunity. This increases the council’s transparency with its members and develops the…
Preparing for Transition – Phase 1
Believe it or not, it is not too early to start thinking about transitions in preparation for next year. To set up your PTA and incoming board for success it is important to start planning now. Imagine how you would want to begin a new term in your PTA, and create a plan to make…
Not That Kind of Fishing
A phishing email is a bogus email with harmful intent carefully designed to look like a legitimate request (or attached file) from a site or person you trust. Its purpose is to get you to give up confidential personal information or download something containing a virus. The first thing to ask yourself is, “Do I…
It’s Time to Form the Budget Committee
Governance. Powered by PTA. The budget committee is chaired by the current treasurer and is responsible for developing the budget for the next fiscal year (July 1-June 30.) Who else should be on the budget committee? Good choices are often the incoming president and treasurer, and outgoing president because they understand your PTA’s past and…
Transparency and Engagement with Meeting Summaries
Governance. Powered by PTA. PTAs strive to involve their members and communities in the work of PTA and often post meeting minutes online to be transparent and increase engagement. Unfortunately, posting meeting minutes is risky. Instead, encourage PTAs to post meeting summaries online! What is the difference between meeting minutes and a meeting summary? Minutes are a…
12 Tips for ADA Compliance in Electronic Meetings and Events
PTA Inclusion. Now More Than Ever. For electronic meetings and events, PTAs still must provide accommodations for individuals with disabilities, under the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) and Washington’s Law Against Discrimination (WLAD). There is more information about both of those laws and how they impact local PTAs and councils in this blog post. Below…