2022 Focus on Advocacy – January 17 Report
And … they’re off! Prepared by Marie Sullivan, WSPTA Legislative Consultant, legconsultant@wastatepta.org As expected, legislators “virtually” convened on January 10 for the start of what is shaping up to be a fast and flush short session. While some lawmakers made the trek to Olympia, committee hearings are being conducted virtually, and floor action is limited…
2022 Focus on Advocacy – January 10 Report
2022 Session Starts under Virtual Protocols Prepared by Marie Sullivan, WSPTA Legislative Consultant, legconsultant@wastatepta.org Get your computers out, turn your light filters on, and update your virtual platform subscriptions. For the second year in a row, the Legislature will begin a formal regular session using protocols that allow only a few legislators to be on…
What is an Action Alert?
An action alert is a message that is delivered directly to an advocate’s inbox that provides all of the details necessary to send information directly to your legislator(s). Once an advocate has subscribed to the WSPTA Action Network and setup their account, each time they “take action” on a message they receive the system will…
Tip of the Week – October 7
PTA and Elections: Help Educate Your Members When it comes to elections, PTAs can help educate members on the issues that affect the health, education, and welfare of students. Here are three easy ideas for civic engagement all PTAs and councils can do: Candidate Forums– It’s not too late to hold an online candidate forum…
2021 Focus on Advocacy – April 26 Report
And … that’s a wrap! Prepared by Marie Sullivan, WSPTA Legislative Consultant, legconsultant@wastatepta.org The Legislature is expected to adjourn “sine die” April 25 by midnight. Over the past week, there was a lot of action, including the release of the compromise, agreed-to two-year operating, capital, and transportation budgets. Once released from a conference committee, the…
WSPTA hosts “back to school” webinar with OSPI, DOH, and Governor’s office
State Superintendent Chris Reykdal, Deputy Secretary for COVID Response Lacy Fehrenbach, and Governor’s K12 Policy Advisor Maddy Thompson joined WSPTA members April 22 to discuss school under COVID, including what the current situation is and what to expect for next fall. Listen to the 90-minute webinar here.
2021 Focus on Advocacy – April 19 Report
All that’s left is for the lady to sing… Prepared by Marie Sullivan, WSPTA Legislative Consultant, legconsultant@wastatepta.org Only one week remains in the 67th legislative session, and there is actually a lot that’s left to do before that famous lady sings the final song: budgets, the climate commitment act, a capital gains tax, and a…
2021 Focus on Advocacy – April 12 Report
Act Now: write your legislators and preserve K-12 funding Prepared by Marie Sullivan, WSPTA Legislative Consultant, legconsultant@wastatepta.org This is the week that budget negotiators will begin working what is called the “differences list,” which is exactly what it sounds like – a list of differences between the House and Senate budget proposals. Negotiators will start…
WSPTA Shares Information on Digital Equity and Budget Priorities with the Legislature
Washington State PTA President Janice Kutzera and Advocacy Director Sherry Rudolph sent two timely letters to legislators this past weekend. The first letter was sent to members in the State Senate asking them to pass ESHB 1336 regarding digital equity. Read the full letter here. The second letter was sent to members of the Senate…
WSPTA tells Senate budget committee to “get the lead out”
Speaking in favor of ESHB 1139 (acting on lead in drinking water), Gwen Loosmore encouraged members of the Senate Ways & Means Committee to pass the bill out of committee before the cutoff and to provide the funding necessary to help school districts replace fixtures with lead contamination. Hear Gwen’s testimony here. In addition, thanks…