


October 5, 2021

Council Spotlight – October 2021

Thank you to Northshore Council PTSA for being our first council to spotlight!! Keep reading to learn more about some great ideas the council leaders in Northshore have implemented. Northshore Council PTSA offers an Educational Speaker and Community Events grant opportunity for our local PTAs. We invite our local PTAs to partner with us, and…
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Category: Leadership

October 1, 2021

Tip of the Week – September 30

Financial To-Do List to Start the Year The entire board of directors should review PTA budget and monthly financial statements Written financial policies, including for electronic banking and passwords Insurance policy renewal IRS informational filing (990N/990-EZ/990 – filing due November 15) Standards of Affiliation At the first membership meeting, PTA members should Adopt/re-adopt the PTA…
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Category: Leadership

September 20, 2021

September 2021 – Executive Director Message

Dear Members, One of the principles underlying parliamentary procedure in a meeting is that every member present should have an equal voice and vote. This is one of the reasons why I love parliamentary procedure. At its core, it is profoundly democratic. However, there are a few barriers that come with this. Members have to…
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Category: Leadership

August 16, 2021

August 2021 – Executive Director Message

Dear Members, Our Local PTA Specialist, Tatia Vasbinder, assisted with this month’s article. Last month I wrote about purpose, both the purpose of Washington State PTA and my personal purpose. What I missed was the purpose for your local or council PTA. Do you know what that is? The stated purpose of any nonprofit organization…
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Category: Leadership

July 2, 2021

July 2021 – Executive Director Message

Dear Members, I have been thinking about “purpose” quite a bit lately. We are slowly, tentatively releasing the constraints that have held us back in the last year and a half. Much like the new year, it is a time for celebration and reflection. I am grateful for all of the fantastic work we have…
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Category: Leadership

June 2, 2021

Board Retreats

Taking the time to organize and hold a board retreat helps put your new PTA board on the same ship sailing for the same destination of success. Gathering leaders over break can infuse enthusiasm in the incoming board, giving them an opportunity to get to know one another and to think about their positions for…
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Category: Leadership

May 5, 2021

May 2021 – Executive Director Message

Dear Members, What a year it has been! This month, members of our board of directors end their terms. This incredible group of dedicated volunteers has led us through some of the most challenging years that Washington State PTA has experienced. I know that many of them look forward to well-earned vacations and the chance…
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Category: Leadership