


March 26, 2020

Washington State PTAs and COVID-19

Updated on March 26, 2020, to include summary of topics. Updated on March 11, 2020, adding information on Childcare and Venue Rental Agreements. This post covers the following topics: Advocating for All, Childcare, Supporting Schools, Events and Activities, Venue Rental Agreements, Virtual Meetings, Donating to Families, and Media Inquiries. Our local PTAs and PTA councils…
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Category: Advocacy , Health & Well-being , Leadership

March 12, 2020

PTAs and Coronavirus: How We Deal

Grace Jurado, President, Northshore Council PTSA Guest Post Provided By Grace Jurado, President, Northshore Council PTSA Since March 5, all schools in the Northshore School District have been closed in an effort to slow down the spread of COVID-19 within our district boundaries. With Evergreen hospital and the Life Care Center both just a couple of…
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Category: Health & Well-being , Leadership , Safety

March 4, 2020

March 2020 – WSPTA Executive Director Message

Dear Members, PTA members are such a passionate group of people! I see it every day in the thousands of hours that volunteers spend in support of the children and youth in our state. During the Washington state legislative session, it really comes through in testimony in Olympia where volunteers will drive 4 hours to…
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Category: Leadership

January 1, 2020

January 2020 – WSPTA Executive Director Message

Dear Members, Happy New Year! Wow, it’s 2020. I can hardly believe it. I have been a lifelong fan of science fiction and grew up on Isaac Asimov and Robert Heinlein. In the annals of science fiction, these are the years when space operas play out, the years when robots have either enslaved us all…
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Category: Leadership