


July 9, 2019

July 2019 – WSPTA Executive Director Message

Dear Members, One of the messages I have heard repeatedly when I started working with the Washington State PTA seven months ago was how quiet it gets in the summer time. The story goes that with the end of the school year we stop hearing from you, the leaders and other members of the PTAs…
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Category: Leadership

June 6, 2019

June 2019 – WSPTA Executive Director Message

Dear Members, It has been a busy month for us at the Washington State PTA office. After wrapping up the Convention we dived right into preparations for the various meetings and retreats we will be holding over the summer to prepare for the 2019-2020 year. New volunteer leaders will be forfeiting part of their summer…
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Category: Leadership

June 4, 2019

Washington State PTA Announces Newly Installed Board of Directors for 2019-2021 Term

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Andrew Estep Washington State PTA (253) 214-7410 WASHINGTON STATE PTA ANNOUNCES NEWLY INSTALLED BOARD OF DIRECTORS Board of directors to meet for strategic planning session. Tacoma, WA (June 1, 2019): The Washington State PTA (WSPTA), the oldest and largest grassroots child advocacy association in Washington state, announced the 2019-2021 board of…
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Category: Leadership

May 8, 2019

May 2019 – WSPTA Executive Director Message

Dear Members, The following is derived from my Executive Director Remarks to the membership at the Convention on April 28, 2019. Thank you, President Michelle Nims and the entire Board of Directors, for hiring me. Being the Executive Director of the Washington State PTA is an incredible privilege and I am filled with gratitude at…
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Category: Leadership

March 31, 2019

March 2019 – WSPTA Executive Director Message

Dear Members, What a contrast a month makes. Spring seemed to hit like a brick this month with temperatures in Western Washington jumping from the 40s to over 70 within a week. It has been a great opportunity to spend time in the yard, cleaning up the mess left by the winter storms, and pulling…
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Category: Leadership

January 24, 2019

WSPTA is pleased to announce the 2019-2021 slate of officers and call for self-declared candidates

Governance. Powered by PTA. The 2019 Washington State PTA nominating committee hereby places the following names into nomination: The nominating committee has confirmed that all nominees have been a member of a PTA for at least 15 days prior to the election, and meet other requirements as stated in the WSPTA Uniform Bylaws. Respectfully submitted,…
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Category: Governance , Leadership

December 5, 2018

Media Release: Washington State PTA Hires New Executive Director

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Washington State PTA Hires New Executive Director TACOMA, Wash, 11/26/2018 – The Washington State Parent Teacher Association has selected Andrew L. Estep, CAE, as their new Executive  Director starting December 1, 2018. The Board of Directors conducted a nationwide search and are delighted to bring Estep on board. According to Board President,…
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Category: Leadership

November 29, 2018

WSPTA Welcomes New Executive Director to the Team

WSPTA is welcoming Andrew Estep, CAE, to become a member of our PTA family. Andrew will be joining WSPTA as the new executive director starting on December 1 and would like to share an open letter to our members: Dear Members By Andrew L. Estep, CAE I am delighted by the opportunity to serve you…
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Category: Leadership